Fan Culture

What The Flying FRACK, YouTube!



The vast world of YouTube is not what it once was. It has become a playground for deviants to pray on children. In other words, it has become a hive of scum. However, out of the ashes come those creators who are doing the right thing.

Amongst those creators is my sister. Yeah, I’M the blogger who wrote THAT letter to YouTube expressing my disgust over their new upcoming policies to punish those in the right. These new COPPA guidelines, policies (whatever!) don’t just affect my little sister. It affects ALL of YouTube, regardless of the niche you’re in.

Also, my sister has a learning disability and being on YouTube is the one thing that makes her happy. PLEASE don’t take that away from her and others like her. I hate seeing the happiness in her eyes fade to tears.

Now, I’m calling out all the EFFING bigwigs who thought it would be great idea to punish the good folks who are doing the right thing. Many creators were right on the 26th November in staging a #DeadUploadDay to show YouTube that they mean business! Sure, there are a ton of people who are just sitting back and saying, “It won’t fucking work. You’re taking this too seriously.”

Guess what, half wits! You’re probably not seeing the impact it’s having on the many communities across YouTube. My sister is a dedicated member of the toy community where she makes videos using My Little Pony and Littlest Pet Shop. I have watched her proudly talk about her community and the friends she has made from it. It makes her happy. Now, everyday as the rules come closer to their start day, she’s becoming more and more concerned and distressed. She’s depressed and it’s all your fault, YouTube!

Loss Of Respect For YouTube

Also, I feel sorry for every other person affected by this. Especially the people who make a living as content creators. They’re set to lose most of their income because of these new rules while those who are doing the wrong thing will thrive. Looking at you Logan and Jake Paul and every other idiot who caused controversy to become famous! These people should the ones losing out! Not the people who are going what’s right.

I use to have a lot of respect for you YouTube, but now, I see that you’re nothing more than greedy pigs who don’t want their creators to be happy. You’re hellbent on making money from those have become big names and abandoning the small fanbases. As a journalist in the making and as a sister who has seen the full extent of what these new regulations mean, you’re ruining people’s livelihoods. After all, you were the ones who ignored the rules and were sued $170million!

There’s also several petitions going on Change at the moment. Take a look at them here:


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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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