The media loves stirring up narratives that aren’t there. A Current Affair host, Tracy Grimshaw, recently left her post after 17 years at the desk. At her farewell, she reportedly snubbed her replacement, Today Show host Allison Langdon, by not hugging her as she left. As expected, the press went crazy, calling it a ‘snub.’ This is not out of the ordinary, as female journalists are often pitted against each other just for clicks.
Tracy put out a statement that said:
“I’m sorry I missed you, was so overwhelmed and obviously didn’t see your petite head once Karl’s big boofhead loomed into vision. Argh, big sorry x.”
Even Sky News, which is usually not a platform that falls into this type of trap, spoke about it. While Allison spoke about it on air the following day with co-host Karl Stefanovic, she said it was awkward but accepted Tracy’s apology. Not to mention, even the Today Show’s social media accounts were going off Karl’s comment about it being “the greatest snub on Australian television” or whatever it is he said.
The Troublesome Photos Of The Tracy-Allison “Snub”
The photos that were taken show Tracy walking straight past Allison. We’re at liberty to agree with Grimshaw that it was an emotional evening. Moreover, there were probably a ton of people she missed. Furthermore, the media needs to stop making something like this such a big deal. Also, you don’t see every person who was snubbed in the private sector go on the record about it.

If someone doesn’t acknowledge you, it does not mean they hate you. It’s pointless to keep dwelling on something that was an accident. In years to come, it will come up in conversation elsewhere, and whoever is speaking will go, “So? It’s not that big of a deal.” It happens and should have been dealt with off-air and not for the entire country to see. In conclusion, it’s not a story, and there are more important stories than two female journalists “snubbing” each other. So, move on already.