Ah, yes. The Targaryen dynasty. During House of the Dragon, there was a load of intermarriage to keep their blood pure, so to speak. It would be naive to say that the incest would die out in Westeros. By the time the events of Game of Thrones rolled around, the Targaryen line was on the way out. All that remained were Daenerys and her two brothers, Viserys and Rhaegar. Let’s not forget that it was more sexist during HotD than it was during GoT. Though, women were still treated like trash, which is no great surprise to anyone who has engaged in this universe at some point.
What It Will Be During Game of Thrones
Viserys and Rhaegar both died, leaving only Daenerys. Little did they realise there was another Targaryen in Aegon Targaryen, better known as Jon Snow. Now, you might wonder what this has to do with House of the Dragon. Let us explain. Many characters that fans of GoT love descended from the Targaryen dynasty’s bad habit of inbreeding. Also, by the time we get to Dany’s story in the timeline, incest is seen as a massive no-no unless you count Cersei and Jaime Lannister.
So, in this post, we thought we’d go over the incest going on during House of the Dragon. Now, this only covers the television series world, not the book stuff, so please keep that in mind. Also, this will only reflect married couples, not engagements that mightn’t lead to marriage. Also, these are in no particular order.
Targaryen Marriages
Characters | Familial Relationship |
Aemma Arryn and Viserys I Targaryen | First cousins |
Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon | Distant cousins |
Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon | Distant cousins |
Rhaenyra and Daemon | Niece and Uncle |
Aegon II and Helaena | Siblings |
Jaehaerys I and Alysanne | Siblings |
Aegon the Conqueror, Rhaenys and Visenya | Siblings |