Star Trek

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – How Spock’s Evolution Makes Him Human


He’s the half-Vulcan that we’ve come to love over the last 55 years. Spock has become a fan favourite in the five generations since his introduction in the original Star Trek. With Strange New Worlds dropping in the new year, we thought we’d have a little fun and look at the character’s evolution in Discovery and how this could evolve in Strange New Worlds. Will his moment with Number One be explored further?

From what is implied, Spock’s demeanour in Strange New Worlds will show a side to him that we’ve seen very little of over the years. In retrospect, these will be some of his human characteristics, ones he often represses at the insistence of his father, Sarek.

This post will feature references to the original series, but we’re choosing to focus on Spock before his time as Kirk’s second-in-command and best friend.

We’ll be covering:

  • Spock and his childhood before and after Michael’s arrival
  • The Estrangement from Michael and Sarek
  • Spock’s early days on Enterprise and friendships with Pike and Number One
  • The Red Angel and Reunion with Michael
  • Final Farewell to Michael

Spock And His Unusual Childhood Before And After Michael’s Arrival

Born the child of a Vulcan father and human mother, Spock wasn’t like most Vulcan children. Pulled between two worlds due to his heritage and genetics, he struggled to find a grip on who he was. Due to his human genes, he developed a learning disability called L’tak Terai, the Vulcan version of dyslexia. Sarek said it was just a setback in his development and that the Vulcan Learning Centre would set it right. Amanda, however, knew that because her son was half-Vulcan, he wouldn’t be supported.

Given her son’s learning disability, Amanda read Spock Alice in Wonderland to teach him right is left and left is right. Up is down, and down is up. Sarek was against this as he believed the book was about chaos, which he argued with his wife about in Spock’s adult years.

Meanwhile, Spock also suffered from nightmares. Amanda encouraged him to draw to fight back against his fears. He also didn’t like change as seen his parents agree to become the guardian of recently orphaned Michael Burnham. Spock watched as his mother read Alice in Wonderland to his new older sister. Over time, the new siblings would become close.

Michael served as a missing link in Spock’s life. Since his mother’s human teachings were restricted, Spock had to learn about his other side another way. When Michael came to live with them, the idea that Sarek had was that she would be a sibling to the young half-Vulcan. However, it go the way he thought it would.

The Estrangement Spock Had With Michael And Sarek

As a child, Spock would follow Michael around like a lost puppy. They were close as siblings could be until Burnham became the target of Vulcan extremists. The group were against the idea of a human residing with a Vulcan family. Though, the group’s logic was flawed as Amanda was human too and Spock was only half-human.

She runs away, hoping to protect her new family from persecution. Spock follows her and wants to go with her. To protect him, she calls him a half-breed and how she doesn’t like him. When this occurred, she thought that by keeping him at a distance, he’d be protected. However, their once close bond deteriorated to non-existence.

As they grew older, Michael and Spock avoided each other whenever one of them made the trip home with one making an excuse not to be there. This went on for years. Also, Spock’s relationship with their father, Sarek wasn’t great and never had been.

For anyone who has seen the original Star Trek series, Spock and Sarek didn’t get along due to their different opinions. Many things Spock did, his father did not approve of. He was far from pleased when his son announced his intention to join Starfleet.

The estrangement between Spock, his father, and his sister was a talking point between Sarek and Michael when the Enterprise became involved in the crisis with the Red Angel.

Early Days On The Enterprise And Friendships With Pike And Number One

In the Short Treks episode, Q&A, we see Spock on his first day on the Enterprise as an Ensign. He smiles at least once, talks a little too loudly for Number One’s liking and becomes an annoyance to her when they get trapped in a turbolift. During his time stuck with Captain Pike’s second-in-command, Spock peppered her with questions as instructed, but it becomes annoying. We get a glimpse of a more chipper Spock who will gladly break the rules when asked. Also, did anyone get the feeling that Spock and Number One shared a moment in that lift?

During the early years of his time on the Enterprise, Spock earns the respect and friendship of Captain Christopher Pike. Pike understands his science officer almost as well as Kirk will later down the track. When Spock ends up in trouble with the law after being framed for murder, Pike, along with Michael and Amanda are quick to defend him, knowing he wouldn’t kill anyone.

Also, Pike relays on Michael on their first meeting that Spock had mentioned in passing that she was smart. This implies that despite their distance, he had a great deal of respect for her.

Pike’s faith in Spock shows that he’s willing to look at the evidence and take the word of those who know the subject over someone who doesn’t.

Red Angel And Reunion With Michael

To understand the Red Angel situation and Spock’s role within it, we need to examine his reunion with Michael. Despite his sister’s multiple attempts to reach out, Spock doesn’t want to hear it. However, after he is framed for murder, Michael along with Pike and Amanda become desperate to find him. Eventually, they do and he’s in a bad way.

Turns out, Amanda found him and hid him where Sarek couldn’t find him. Michael becomes upset that their mother would do this, but she comes around, given Sarek’s perspective on the situation. The reunion between the siblings is difficult given Spock is still bitter and holding a grudge over what happened when they were kids.

Spock and Michael trade typical sibling insults including Michael taking a swipe at her brother’s beard.

In the quest to find out more about the Red Angel, it comes as a surprise when the being turns out to be Gabrielle Burnham, Michael’s allegedly dead mother. What’s more, is Michael jumps in to defend Spock when Emperor Georgiou threatens his life.

Outside of everything, when CONTROL threatens Discovery, Spock is prepared to venture into the future with Michael. However, he is unable to because the jets on his craft are damaged and he has to transport back to Enterprise.

Farewelling Michael

Saying goodbye to his sister was difficult for Spock after they were able to forgive each other for their past. Out of loyalty to her, he spent months looking out for the final signal that Discovery had gotten to the future. When questioned by Starfleet officials, Spock actively lied and said that Discovery had been destroyed in the battle with CONTROL and no one, not even Michael survived.

Despite being half-Vulcan, Spock allowed himself to tap into his human side, the empathy that his father wanted him to explore out of love for the sister he had once dismissed.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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