Babes Against Bullshit

Babes Against Bullshit: Racist Fans Who Don’t Understand The Idea Of Diversity – Why This Needs To be Addressed


Racist fans are quite literally the WORST! They don’t understand why a writer would change a well-known character from being white to black or why a person of colour has a role amongst a largely Caucasian cast of individuals. Diversity is key to the success many fandoms have. So, why are racists so determined to …


Felicity Huffman Is Getting A Second Chance At Her Acting Career Post-College Admissions Scandal. Should Lori Loughlin Be Given The Same Treatment?

Second Chance

There is a massive difference between Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin. One of them has not got an ego the size of California while the other loves flaunting their wealth. Does this warrant a second chance?

The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold And The Beautiful: Ridge Demands To See Thomas While Liam Hurls Accusations At Hope – These Two Need Help!


Ridge and Liam really need to stop being so demanding. To top it off, Spencer hurls accusations left, right, and centre and his wife keeps telling him she wasn’t kissing Thomas…