Home and Away

Home And Away: Tori To The Rescue And Lewis Hands Himself In

near death

Lewis’ desire for revenge rather than justice against Christian causes the surgeon to have a near death experience before his attempted killer hands himself into the police…

The last few nights on Home and Away have been nail-biting as Tori and Jasmine race against the clock to find Christian before deranged Lewis can finish him off. For those who haven’t been keeping track or are just coming into the storyline now here’s a quick run down. Before the surgeon’s near death experience, the male nurse hates his guts. He blames him for the death of his wife, Anna and their unborn child.

Despite having killed a couple of Christian’s patients as payback, Lewis became angry when a disciplinary hearing clears the surgeon of any wrong doing, the male nurse becomes erratic and makes the hasty decision to knock the doctor out and ties him to a bed. He then injects his to-be victim with a drug to stop his heart. This comes after the horrified medical professional is hooked up to a heart monitor.

Lewis injects Christian’s IV line with the drug and watches does its job. Tori and Jasmine rush in, having worked out where the men. Morgan orders Delaney to call Code Blue while she performs CPR to keep her fiancée’s heart going.

Jasmine is horrified by her boyfriend’s actions and tells him he needs serious help. At the hospital, Tori stays with Christian after his near death experience. She rings Justin and Leah and tells them what happened. Her brother tells her to take her time.

In the end, Jasmine is being left broken hearted again. She has to watch her boyfriend be carted away after he calls them and confesses to almost murdering Christian. While it wasn’t exactly mentioned in tonight’s episode, Irene mentions to John that she has to get back to her housemate. There’s no doubt we’re going to be feeling what happened for a while to come.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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