Chronicles of Harkle

Meghan, Most Children Don’t See You As A Princess – OPINION

Meghan Children

Meghan Markle believes that children see her as a princess. Sorry, Megs, but no, they don’t. We’ve seen photos and videos where children want nothing to do with her. It’s sad. Whereas, kids make a beeline for Catherine because she is approachable.

What do they say in Hollywood? Oh, right. Don’t work with kids or animals. Meghan does not have a maternal instinct in her body and children pick up on that. We’ve been reporting on the Sussexes and Waleses for a long time and the difference between the Duchess of Sussex and the Princess of Wales is evident when it comes to kids.

There have even been photos of dogs wanting nothing to do with her. Perhaps the animals know that she abandoned Bogart in Canada. Who knows.

Meghan Believes Being Married To A Prince Makes You A Princess

Meghan believes because she married a prince, that she is a princess. That is the case when women marry into monarchies like Jordan, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, but not in the United Kingdom. The only woman who becomes a “Princess” upon marriage is if they wed the Prince of Wales, the heir to the British throne. She would be fuming if she didn’t have the Duchess title. Why? Well because she’d be labelled the same as Princess Michael of Kent. Instead, Megsy would be Princess Henry, though she’d market herself as “Princess Meghan.”

There was a story a few years back when someone asked Catherine if she was a princess. She said she wasn’t and that she was a Duchess, as Prince William was the Duke of Cambridge at the time. The former Kate Middleton only became a Princess when her father-in-law, King Charles III, named his eldest son, The Prince of Wales.

Children in the United States don’t know what a duchess is, which is probably why Meghan is saying, “Kids see me as a real-life princess.” Okay. No one, let alone children, knows who she is and is the last person they’d think of when it comes to a “real-life princess.”

Catherine And The Baby That Stole Her Handbag

Meghan is not relevant and has never wanted to interact with children. The tide turns whenever Catherine goes somewhere and there are massive crowds of people. If she sees a parent with a baby, that is the first place she goes.

We all remember the engagement Catherine was on where someone’s baby stole her handbag and the mother was utterly mortified. Kate, being the trooper that she was, ended up going back to collect her bag. If it were Meghan, she would be clutching her bag for dear life, not wanting a child’s grubby hands to ruin it.

When children look at princesses, they don’t immediately think of Meghan Markle. No, they think of Anna, Elsa, Snow White, Cinderella. Only in Markle’s mind is she a princess.

Meghan Forces Children To Take Pictures With Her

Let’s not forget that Meghan forces children to take pictures with her. Remember that little girl in Nigeria who wanted nothing to do with her? Then there’s the nasty looks Markle has given several little kids over the years, including Princess Charlotte as she came down the aisle at the 2018 wedding, as seen here.

Meghan children
[Credit: People Magazine]

Just a warning, this next section is total cringe. The image above, as you can tell by the credit is from People Magazine. The article that this photo was a part of said that while in Nigeria, Meghan gave off “auntie” vibes.

Give us a bloody break. She wasn’t giving off “auntie” vibes. That child did not want to be touched by Meghan.

Meghan Doesn’t Give Two Effs About Anyone’s Children

Also, Meghan doesn’t give two effs about her real nephews and nieces or even her godchildren. This is celebrity propaganda trying to turn the tide to show Markle’s maternal side. Then we have this picture and thank you for posting it to Twitter, Nancy Sidley.

Meghan throws this poor kid the ugliest look and it’s terrifying. This shows that Markle is not maternal despite what she wants to portray. As the old saying goes, children and animals are usually the best judge of character and this child can sense her negative energy.

Our thought behind the above photo is that the kid is sitting between her and the Vice President. She doesn’t like it as it is her that wants to be placed beside the VP.

Though, it could be possible that some crap went down behind the scenes and the Vice President was attempting to distance herself from Meghan.

Also, Meghan seems to like boys better than girls as seen in this picture.

Meghan Children
[Credit: Cosmopolitian]

Rumour has it that at this event, the girls were completely ignored by Meghan. The belief for a while has been that Markle sees herself as irresistible to teenage boys and above all, men. Also, does she have to be so huggy with everyone she meets?

Meghan Wants To Be Seen As Approachable By Hugging Everybody She Comes Into Contact With

Meghan loves getting into people’s personal space, look at the children she hugged that she had no business touching. Also, there was a video, that has since been deleted by a mother of one of the kids at the Harlem school the Sussexes visited in New York a few years back who said her child came home and told her that they were visited by Meghan who had told the class she was, well, a princess.

The mother was not happy about this and said Meghan was no princess. While you don’t see the woman’s face in the video, you can tell she is not amused by the tone of her voice.

Meghan loves to claim that Brits aren’t huggers and that it’s “jarring” to them. No, Meggy-poo, its not. Have you ever stopped to think that the people your husband is supposed to support, don’t like being woman-handled by you?

Just because you’re a hugger, doesn’t mean everyone has to be hugged by you. Most people don’t enjoy having their personal space invaded. This includes children who you claim to think of you as a princess.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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