Chronicles of Harkle

Meghan Markle Is Jealous Of Princess Charlotte And Obsessed With Being A Princess – OPINION

Meghan Markle has had an obsession with being a princess for a long time. There. We said it. Oh, wait. We’re not sorry for our opinion. It’s so clear, yet, we missed it. Big time. Anyway, we want to thank The Royal Grift for her video.

There is no secret that Meghan hates her niece, Princess Charlotte. Why? Because she was born a princess. If Markle wanted to be a princess so badly, why didn’t she marry a Swedish Prince or a Danish Prince? Oh, right. Because Prince Carl Philip and Prince Joachim are both taken.

If Meghan Markle Has An Obsession With Being A Princess, Why Didn’t See Marry A Non-British Prince?

Now, you might be wondering why we bring up Carl Philip and Joachim. Both their wives are princesses. Upon Carl Philip marrying his wife Sofia, she became Princess Sofia. When Joachim married both his wives, Alexandra and Marie, respectfully, they became known as Princess Alexandra and Princess Marie.

When Joachim and Alexandra divorced, she lost her princess title and HRH and was given the title of the Countess of Frederiksborg.

We’ve also explained in another post how Title distribution works in the UK and we’ve also gone over how Prince Philip’s titles worked. When it comes to royal wives in the UK, they take the feminine version of whatever title their husband has. So, if the monarch bestows upon the husband a dukedom on their wedding day, the wife will become a duchess and so on.

However, if a title is not given, as seen with Prince Michael of Kent, the wife becomes Princess X of Y. So when Marie-Christine married Prince Michael, he did not get an earldom or a dukedom so she became Princess Michael of Kent. In case you didn’t know, his older brother is the Duke of Kent.

Technically, Catherine Middleton is Princess William of Wales. However, she does not use this title and never has. Why? When Kate and William married in April 2011, The Queen gave her grandson the Duchy of Cambridge. Therefore, the couple became the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The same applies to Harry and Meghan. On their wedding day, the Queen gave them the Duchy of Sussex.

Where Does Meghan Markle’s Princess Obsession Come Into Play?

Now, you’re probably wondering where Meghan Markle’s princess obsession comes in and how she is jealous of Princess Charlotte. Let’s get to the meat and potatoes, shall we?

Okay, so, we know Meghan loves to take swipes at Princess Catherine where she can. Remember this?

[Credit: me!]

Endless conversations, huh? We go over this in our post about the Duchess of Lies. In the screenshot above, you can clearly see that Meghan geeked out on emailing with an actual Princess. Anyway, Meghan always wants to be like She-Ra, the Princess of Power and little girls “maintain the childhood fantasy.” Now, we know from childhood videos that Meghan loved playing princess.

In other words, Meghan always wanted to have power. It’s even surprising that she knows who Sha-Ra is. She probably Googled ‘princesses with power’ and She-Ra was the first to pop up. Anyway, she could not stomach Catherine giving birth to a daughter who was given the title of princess at birth. To add to this, Markle likely thought that Catherine had become Princess Kate upon her marriage.

Moreover, in the UK, women who marry princes do NOT become princesses unless they marry the Prince of Wales. This is different in other monarchies like Sweden, Jordan, Norway and for a time, Greece, before it became a Republic.

In Sweden, men who marry princesses can become princes. Look at Prince Daniel. He married Crown Princess Victoria. Their brother-in-law, Christopher O’Neil, declined the offer to become a prince.

A sample of women who have taken on the title of princess from marriage:

  • Princess Sofia (Sweden)
  • Princess Rania (Jordan – before she became Queen Rania)
  • Princess Rajwa (Jordan)
  • Crown Princess Mary (Denmark – before she became Queen Mary)
  • Crown Princess Mette-Marit (Norway)

A Hatred Of Princess Charlotte

We’ve all heard the rumours of Meghan being nasty to a then-toddler Princess Charlotte. But what was the purpose of this? What did Markle hope to achieve? Also, we know that her greatest “role model” is her mother for being an absentee parent.

We know now that Meghan was desperate for her children to have titles. Though, she said when Archie was born that she didn’t want one for him. Well, it looks like she has changed her mind as she told Oprah that he didn’t become a prince because he was “black” and the convention would be changed for him. Excuse us, but the “convention” was not changed for him. It was changed for Prince William and Catherine’s future children. Why? Because if Prince George had been born a girl, that daughter would be Lady, not Princess. Having all the future heirs via William be Prince or Princess was easier than having to wait until Charles became king.

This convention didn’t apply to Harry’s children as he is not the heir to the throne. His kids would only get titles when their grandfather became king and that is what happened.

Meghan wanted her daughter to be a princess because she could not be one herself, at least in Britain. However, she got to be a “Nigerian Princess” when she managed to hoodwink the Nigerians into believing she was one of them. With that, she likely had her buddy, Misan, who has legitimate roots in Nigeria, pull some strings for three kings to coronate her as Ada Mazi and Adetokunbo.

The Royal Grift pointed out in her video that Meghan was likely to be upset that Princess Charlotte’s nickname at school was ‘Warrior Princess’. What’s more, TRG said that Meghan probably demanded that the Nigerians give her the ‘Warrior Princess’ title.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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