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Leave Children Out Of Woke Cancel Culture

black mother with positive sons on couch

Let kids be kids…

[This post is written in the first person perspective]

In a world where children are exposed to the internet very early, there is something I’ve learned over the years. Woke culture is just an idiotic craze that doesn’t fix anything. In recent years, I’ve been told by people who work with kids that there are things that can and can’t be said in childcare centres.

I have two cousins who work in childcare and have had very different experiences. What’s more, one said years ago that in the centre she was working in at the time, the kids are taught altered nursery rhythms to what we were taught. One example of this is ‘Ba Ba Black Sheep. So instead of saying ‘black sheep’, they have to say ‘rainbow sheep. Umm, what the actual hell? Interestingly, she said this was stupid but had to be done because, according to the woke crowd, it’s a racist stereotype. They also enforced (from what I think I recall) the naughty corner.

The second cousin I’m about to mention was in training to work in childcare when she said this.

According to her, where she was working at the time didn’t care what the kids were taught and allowed them just to be themselves. They were allowed to sing whatever nursery rhythms they wanted, and they were allowed to get messy. As far as I’m aware, the parents were more than happy to allow their children to have independence and learn.

Allow Children To Grow And Develop, Not Coddle Them

I am not a parent, so I cannot tell a parent how to raise their child. If I were, I still wouldn’t mean someone else what to do because it is not my style. But I will speak up about it. Therefore, let kids be themselves, let them make their own mistakes. Parents will not be around forever. Children cannot grow and be independent if they are constantly protected from making mistakes.

Moreover, to make mistakes is to be human. No one is ever perfect. If it were possible, then the world would be a utopia. Parents must realise their babies and toddlers will not stay that way forever. Therefore, let them explore. Allow them to decide what is offensive and what is not. It is not up to you. Your kids are the ones who are the future.

Finally, kids need to learn that wokeism, is a terror, not a blessing We saw this in the series, Superman & Lois where wokeism and cult culture is explored during the show’s second season.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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