Everyone is prone to mistakes, even journalism vet Tom Bower. Errors are a natural part of life. No one, not even Meghan Markle, is perfect. Having read a large portion of Tom’s new book, Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors, I’ve noticed a few errors he has made throughout.
This is just a handful that can be fixed in later book editions. Nothing major at all. So, this post does contain minor spoilers for the book.
1. “Omar” Instead Of “Omid.”
Brittany of the Royal News Network picked up the first of our five errors in a recent video. She said that in one part of the book, Meghan fanboy Omid Scobie was mentioned as “Omar” rather than “Omid.” No one’s writing is flawless, no matter how many times an editor has looked over it.
2. Meghan’s Story About Her Car
Now, the story about Meghan’s car is incorrect. The reason I know this is due to PDina asking the question to Thomas Markle during her chat with him a while ago. Before this, Samantha, Meghan’s sister, even said the story of Meghan’s broken-down car was wrong.
3. Matt Cardle
Tom mentions that Meghan attempted to date X-Factor winner Matt Cradle after she followed him on Twitter, and he followed her back. In the book, it is said that Matt Cradle stopped exchanging messages with Meghan as he had met his now-wife.
After a quick Google search, Matt Cradle is not married to his partner, from what I can find. The most recent article that mentions Cardle’s partner is from early January 2021 is from the Metro.
4. Is Meghan 45 And Not 40?
Now, a big question is whether Meghan is telling the truth about her age. Revenge appears to contradict itself in regards to this. I’ve spoken about Markle’s age a couple of times over time. Now, I’m choosing to question this because it has been alleged that Meghan’s first kiss, Joshua Silverstein, is the same age as her.
However, it has been established that they were both 13 when they first kissed. But it appears that Silverstein was born in 1977, and it’s been implied that Meghan was born the same year. However, the book’s first chapter in the first paragraph says that Meghan’s birth year is 1981. So, what gives? I did some digging and found this on the Californian Birth Index:

There are six Joshua Silversteins born within a decade in LA County. Often referenced in the media, Joshua R Silverstein was born in 1981, not 1977. I’ll do an article on this later to clear all this up. I think the media got their wires crossed when researching this guy.
Now, I know there will be people who will scream, “You’re wrong! Meghan’s 45!” I’m not wrong, as the website is an organisation website that requires the information to be correct. Also, Thomas Markle has said numerous times that Meghan was born in 1981. Also, why would Tom Bower say Meghan was born one year and then imply something else later? If there’s one person who knows the truth, it’s Thomas Markle.
5. Harry’s Suit Colour
During the chapter about the Oprah interview, Bower depicts Harry’s suit colour as blue. It was not blue. It was grey.