Showing 298 Result(s)
Katie; screaming match
The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold And The Beautiful: Katie And Quinn Have A Screaming Match In The Forrester Office

Katie is extremely hurt by everything that has happened with Bill, Brooke, Quinn, and Shauna. However, she won’t stand for is the false Forrester Matriarch getting involved in family business that has nothing to do with her.

Hitched; repeat
The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold And The Beautiful: So, It’s Okay For Ridge To Kiss Shauna But Not Okay For Brooke To Smooch Bill?

Okay, this whole Shauna/Ridge/Brooke triangle is worse than the one with Taylor! How is it okay for Eric’s favourite son to snog Flo’s mother but not okay for his wife to get swept up in a kiss with his rival, Bill?