Showing 76 Result(s)
topless man reading book while seating at beach
Book Haven

Books Read In March 2024

March 2024 was a real month for books as we jumped back into action to stabilise (without much success) our ever-growing To Be Read (TBR) list. Currently, we’ve capped it at 14k books. Yeah, that’s large. We’ve had to do a massive catch-up as we read no books in January and one in February to …

Royal Published Books
Book Haven

Books Published By Royals

Despite the pomp and circumstance, royals have published books of their own over the years. This is not a new concept and has been around for decades. We all know, of course, that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have both released books under their own names. For this list, we will NOT include books with …

Books on Queen Elizabeth
Book Haven

Books On Queen Elizabeth II

70 years is a long time to be sovereign. Many books on Queen Elizabeth II should be highlighted. We’ve already done a list of books on her granddaughter-in-law, Meghan Markle, and many more are on the way. We will also be doing one of the books written by royals, so stay tuned for that. So, …

Meghan books
Book Haven

Books About Meghan Markle

When you’re a royal or a public figure, you have to expect people to write about you in books, and Meghan Markle is no exception. If she were not married to King Charles III’s second son, she would be just another fling and a failed actress who could not get another gig after Suits. In …

Book Haven

Book Clubs pt. 2 – Local

Local Book Clubs are what bring book lovers together in a single place. While the Macarthur region is a massive place, there are several local book clubs out there for those who love their books. So, we wanted to highlight some of these. There are likely to be a ton of clubs in the region, …

anonymous woman working on laptop in room
Book Haven

Book Clubs pt. 1 – Online

If there is one thing that the pandemic gave a massive boost to, it is online book clubs. It gave people a sense of belonging while we were all locked in our homes. According to the World Economic Forum, book sales were up during 2021, which was as the pandemic was starting to slow. Over …

Book Haven

Book Apps

Nothing says a good book quite like reading apps. There are so many different applications nowadays that it is hard to know what works and what doesn’t. Initially, we were only going to make a list of the more better-known book apps, but given how many there are, we thought it would be best do …

person holding opened book
Book Haven

Book Clubs pt. 4 – Podcasts

Podcasts are a big part of Book Club culture nowadays. They help keep readers informed and connect them with other fans who love the same literature as they do. There are so many book podcasts out there now that narrowing down which ones to listen to is often difficult. Since this is the last part …

Book Haven

The #PercyJackson #BookTimeline

The Percy Jackson book series timeline is one of the neatest we’ve come across. Sure, there are some events that don’t seem to slot into certain places. But, hey! What book series has a coherent series of events? This post will explore the Percy Jackson timeline from the beginning, thanks to the Timeline page on …

Percy Jackson reread
Book Haven

#PercyJackson Books #Reread So Far

We’ve been doing a Percy Jackson reread as of late, and we thought we’d briefly go over which books we’ve finished so far. We’ve completed The Lightning Thief and finished the three short crossover stories with the Kane Chronicles: The Son of Sobek, The Staff of Serapis and The Crown of Ptolemy. The Lightning Thief …

Fire and Blood
Book Haven

Themes From Fire And Blood

We’ve finally finished reading Fire and Blood, the unreliable textbook about the Targaryen dynasty from Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III. However, the book also explores themes that even its sequels in the Game of Thrones series of books and the television series covers. In this post, we’re going to explain what these themes are. …

black framed eyeglasses on book page
Book Haven

Read Books For June 2023

Not much reading was done of different books in June. Since we’re only just finding our footing back into the world of reading, we decided to read several Goddess Girl books to keep our GoodReads book challenge happy. This was done to prevent any fall behind in which we pledged twelve. We may end up …