Showing 76 Result(s)
pile of assorted novel books
Book Haven

Book Question Time!

There is nothing better than Book Question time. In this post, we thought we’d have a little bit of fun and use Google Search Console and Ezoic, to find book questions. The questions will be random subjects, depending on what we can find. Also, this post will accommodate for questions that we cannot fit into …

Emma Roberts Book Recommendations
Book Haven

Book Recommendations By Emma Roberts

When you think of actress Emma Roberts, your mind doesn’t immediately go to book recommendations. She and her best friend started Belletrist, a book club, which has since evolved into a production company which has adapted two books to the screen. See our celebrity book club for more on that. In this post, we will …

Book Haven

Books About Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn is one of the most talked about Queen consorts in British history and has appeared in many books. So much so is Anne Boleyn spoken about in books that she has appeared, in even historical fiction. There are so many books out there that we thought we’d give you an extensive list of …

books Catherine Middleton
Book Haven

Books About Catherine Middleton

Yes, we know. Catherine Middleton no longer exists; it is Catherine, the Princess of Wales. For the sake of this book list post, it is Catherine Middleton. Sorry to burst your bubble. It is solely for SEO purposes and nothing more. We’ve wanted to do this post for a while. But there have not been …

Book Haven

Books About Prince William And Prince Harry

Many books have been written about Prince William and Prince Harry for almost forty years. In this post, we’ll be highlighting many of these tomes. We’ll be setting this post up differently from the others we’ve done. There are books about William and Harry individually and others about them together. The links provided in this …

books about royal family
Book Haven

Books About The British Royal Family

There are so many books about the British Royal Family. Over the last week or so, we’ve covered many royal books on Project Fangirl, including Meghan Markle, King Charles III, Queen Elizabeth II, and King Edward VIII. We also did one on books written by members of the family. In this post, we’ll examine royal …

edward viii book
Book Haven

Books About King Edward VIII

King Edward VIII is seen as a traitor to his own family, and it has been written about in several books. He is known by some as The Traitor King because he chose to marry a woman who was twice divorced, American and hungry for money. The story of Edward and Wallis is currently playing …

Hogwarts Library
Book Haven

Hogwarts Library – REVIEW #HarryPotter #FantasticBeastsAndWhereToFindThem #QuidditchThroughTheAges #TalesOfBeedleTheBard

The Hogwarts Library is a series of three “Hogwarts textbooks,” including Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, Quidditch Through The Ages and The Tales Of Beedle The Bard. One of these books contains “handwritten notes” from Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. This review will cover all three books as they are part …

photo of a wooden bookshelf
Book Haven

Book Clubs pt. 3 – Famous People

Books clubs wouldn’t be complete without famous people. We’ve found a ton of celebrities who have their own book clubs. Some have been around for years, while others have only recently launched. Now, some of the ones we’ve found are probably doing it for attention and don’t have any association with reading whereas others do. …

King Charles books
Book Haven

Books About King Charles III

When you’re King Charles III, you tend to have many books written. Given that we write about books regularly, we’re going to list many books written about the current monarch of the United Kingdom. It’s fitting as we’re trying to expand our Book Haven section. We’ve already written lists of books about King Charles III’s …