Chronicles of Harkle

Hey, Sussex Squad! Leave The Children Alone! – OPINION

royal children, Archie, Lilibet

I’m only going to say this ONCE. All royal children are OFF LIMITS, whether they’re the Wales children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis or Archie and Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor. I got a comment on a tweet earlier demanding to know why I didn’t defend the Sussex kids against abuse when I did Prince George when the Sussex Squad accused him, a 9-year-old boy, of plagiarism. Now, I’m not to share the comment as I don’t want to give the person impressions, but can you provide proof of the abuse? This does not include Meghan claiming that the royal rota calls her children the “N word.” It’s her word against everyone in the royal rota. There is no proof this ever happened. If it did, the people responsible would’ve been fired.

The only abuse I have ever seen against one of the Sussex children is when an idiot posted a picture on Twitter comparing Archie to a chimp after his birth. I want to give kudos to Caribbean Prince for this tweet:

[Credit: Caribbean Prince – Twitter]

Royal Children Are Off Limits!

This tweet doesn’t just include Harry and Meghan but their children too. The Sussex Squad have targeted and sent death threats to other royal family members. Not just William and Catherine. But royal children, the late Queen, Charles and Camilla and likely minor members. It’s disgusting.

As Caribbean Prince points out, many people have said this, too, Megxiteers are calling out the lies and hypocrisy. Yet, the Sussex Squad gets upset when their favourite royal children aren’t defended. Here’s the thing; you’re just as hypocritical as your paymasters.

Sussex Squad Don’t Want Archie And Lilibet Abused, But They’ll Attack The Wales Children

You threaten George, Charlotte and Louis, yet you don’t want Lili and Archie to be abused. NO royal children should be criticised! Ever. They’re innocents in all this. Yet, to the Sussex Squad, they’re [the Wales children] just as guilty as their parents.

The royal children didn’t ask for a war of words between their parents. George, Charlotte and Louis didn’t ask to be separated from their uncle, who used to dote on them before his kids came along. Little Louis hasn’t got the same memories George and Charlotte do of Harry. Archie has no memories of Charles, Camilla, the Queen, Prince Philip, William, Catherine and his cousins. His parents didn’t allow them to see him. Rumour has it that Charles only saw Archie twice after he was born.

We don’t know how often The Queen and Prince Philip saw Archie after his birth. But, given Archie was about a year old when his parents left Britain, what baby has memories of a family they refused to allow their child to see?

Not allowing Archie, and therefore, Lilibet to have anything to do with their family was a way of pushing the racism narrative forward. I’m not apologising for my comments, and no one else should either. However, abusing ANY CHILD is not on. I have never gone after Archie or Lilibet, nor has anyone else.

Exposing people for their lies isn’t bigotry or racism. It’s stopping misinformation. Harry should honestly know better, as he’s supposed to be a massive supporter of fighting misinformation and disinformation. Yet, he is putting fake news out himself without backing up what he is saying and saying, “We’re right because its our truth.”

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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