The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold And The Beautiful: Why Vinny Might Prove To Be Thomas’s Downfall

Vinny; downfall; falls apart

Thomas might be persuasive, but Brooke and Liam aren’t the only ones who can see what he’s doing. His BFF, Vinny can see that he’s using Douglas and Zoe to snag Hope.

Vinny Walker might be BFFs with Thomas, but he’s a sensible human being, despite being a drug peddler. However, he does not stand for his friend using his son Douglas to entrap Hope into being with him. Having been used by his own father, this guy has a massive heart and doesn’t want any child to go through what he did. He could be his best friend’s downfall.

While Brooke might not like him, Vinny can see as clearly as she can what Thomas is doing and doesn’t stand for it. So, we’re putting the question out there; could he be the one to cause Thomas’s fall from grace?

A Big Heart

Put aside the drug thing and Vinny is a guy who has a big heart. He helped Thomas when he had to ‘hide’ from his family after the Beth secret came out. We’ve seen Thomas tell him his plans to woo Hope over, by using Douglas as a vessel. He doesn’t approve and has called the jerk out on it multiple times.

While it’s good on him, why hasn’t he taken his concerns to someone else? Well, like we mentioned, Brooke doesn’t like him because he peddles drugs and he’s friends with Thomas. To her, every friend associated with her stepson is a bad egg. Not that we blame her, given the feelings she has towards the man.

Also, very few people know he’s friends with Thomas. Steffy knew Vinny’s name because her brother mentioned him to her. When she and Liam go looking for him, they find Zoe staying at his apartment instead. Also, no one seemed to question who he was and why he was at the sham birthday party that was thrown for Buckingham’s scum of a daughter.

A Change In Loyalties

Vinny might be a Thomas loyalist but the way he’s using his son irks him to no end. No kid should be used the Forrester is using his boy and Vincent knows that. But what if he were to change sides and reveal to Liam what he’s seen?

We heard Vinny say today that Thomas isn’t in love with Hope, he’s obsessed with her. However, his pal corrects him and says his obsession with her is healthy. Ah, yeah. It’s not, but whatever he thinks.

Whatever happens, we hope Vinny does something otherwise he’s allowing Hope to walk into a situation that’s already found herself in before she got her daughter back.

Could Vinny introduce himself and tell her what he knows? Though, she already doesn’t listen to Liam or her mother’s warnings. She probably won’t listen to a total stranger, but who knows at this point? We just want this ridiculous storyline to end.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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