Well done, Liam. You have earned yourself a massive slap across the face for being the soap world’s most idiotic waffler…

Well done, Liam. You have earned yourself a massive slap across the face for being the soap world’s most idiotic waffler…
Steffy gets bad news regarding her paternity results – Liam is the father of her unborn baby… or is he?
Let’s say today was the mother of all blasts. A lot of stuff has done in today’s episode and it wasn’t as terrible as we thought…
The Bold and the Beautiful needs to stop having characters blaming Steffy or Liam for their affair. They BOTH cheated on their partners…
Can we push Waffle King Liam Spencer under a bus and just be done with his character?
Steffy can pray all she wants, but she knows deep down she wants her unborn child to be Liam’s…
Oh, Steffy. Love is complicated at the best of times but what about your feelings? Who do you really want?
Finn’s a thousand percent correct. Liam needs to stay in his lane…
Hope and Finn know about Liam and Steffy’s infidelity and it’s about to get even more uglier…
Okay, we’ve said this before and we’ll say it again, Zoe is jealous of Paris’s relationship with Zende. Good for her for standing her ground and Liam just needs to sit down and shut up!
Ah, yes. Hidden double standards and Liam Spencer what a fascinating conversation to have. We have our own take on this…
Since Jacqueline MacInnes Wood’s second pregnancy was announced, we knew a paternity storyline was coming and it’s obvious as to who the father will be…
What happens when you put a massive bombshell, jealousy and a form of bonding into one episode of The Bold and Beautiful? Let’s find out, shall we?
Okay, there’s a load of Steffy fans out there who call Hope a ‘slut’ but is she really? At least she didn’t have to question who Beth’s father was while her stepsister has to with both Kelly and her new baby…
Multiple arguments and a walk in. Ooh, boy!
Is Steffy about to be embroiled in yet another paternity scandal?
Can we just consider the idea that Steffy and Liam’s one night stand was going to blow up in their faces at some point?
Regardless if you would consider Steffy and Liam’s one night stand as an affair, just have them get back together. Put Hope and Finn out of their misery!
We’ve seen Thomas live in his own fantasy world, but he’s sick. His father, however, seems to have way of thinking and he doesn’t bother to hide it.
Does Steffy love Finn at all or does she only see him as Plan B?
Ridge and Liam really need to stop being so demanding. To top it off, Spencer hurls accusations left, right, and centre and his wife keeps telling him she wasn’t kissing Thomas…
From Thomas’ collapse to Lope being in trouble due a massive misunderstanding, today’s B&B had it all… literally…
Liam and Steffy have been on and off for years. Has it gotten to the point now where they actual deserve each other?
Liam is a hypocrite for thinking that Hope broke their marriage vows when he didn’t even think that Thomas could’ve been kissing the mannequin. Oh, and… he’s drunk.
Fans of The Bold and the Beautiful are tired of the back and forth of the Steam and Lope couplings. So, it looks like Hope is out and Steffy is in, however, she’s dating Finn and the current Missus Spencer hasn’t done anything…