How Did The (Current) Russian-Ukraine Conflict Begin?


An egotistical leader who believes peace means killing innocent people to prove a point – 

Russia has a communist leader. Vladimir Putin is throwing the world’s largest tantrum that a man can close to 70. Tensions between the Russians and the Ukrainians have been running hot since 2014. However, the situation has escalated tenfold.

The Russians have invaded Ukraine, and for what purpose? According to Elliott Davis Jr of USNews, the original plan was for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia to be peaceful. However, when Ukraine said it wanted to be part of NATO and ally itself with western countries, this is where things blew up.

In the later part of 2021, Russian began becoming a noticeable presence around Ukraine. What their plan was at this time was hazy. As the Russian military continued to linger, the unease led to a phone conversation between Putin and US President Joe Biden.

So, the primary reason for the tension between Russia and Ukraine is that Putin is doing everything to prevent Ukraine from becoming allied with NATO, as we mentioned earlier.

What Is NATO?

NATO is an alliance that deals with the military within 30 countries, 28 of which are European and 2 are Northern American. Russia did not want a part in the organisation. It is insisting that Ukraine not do it. They’ve also threatened to invade the country if they did or attempted to do so. Well, that last part has happened now.

According to Pedestrian’s Aleksandra Bliszczyk, the situation is essentially Russia vs. NATO over who gets custody over Ukraine. Think of it as being similar to a child custody dispute between feuding parents.

Not to mention, Russia is demanding that NATO give up its request for Ukraine to join them. Also, it wants the organisation to prevent other ex-Soviet states from expanding their [NATO] territory.


We recently did a post on how we stand with Ukraine. No country or person on Earth deserves the treatment Ukraine is receiving. Putin is a power-hungry fool. He might claim his troops invaded for “peaceful” reasons, but it’s clear it’s a power play that no one (except Putin and his followers) wanted.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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