Marvel Cinematic Universe

Ms Marvel: Is Bruno Going To CalTech To Escape His Feelings For Kamala?

Kamala x Bruno
flashbacks; Padmé; face off, inquisitorius; ari; Kenobi; ghosts; poison mary; yelena; pike; spock; mockingbird; breakdown; daredevil

We’re all for Kamala x Bruno, but is our boy running from his feelings? We’re almost at the finish line of the Ms Marvel series. How have six weeks gone by so fast? Anyway, this week is the penultimate episode, but there’s something we wanted to address from episode 3, which was entitled ‘Destined.’ We missed it the first couple of times we watched it, but it appears that Bruno is running from his feelings. We learn that he has gotten into CalTech and is waiting to tell Kamala. We’ve addressed before that he is definitely in love with her. So, this begs the question; is he willing to jeopardise everything they have already out of fear of losing her entirely if he were to tell her how he feels? We Heart Bruno so much! The poor guy.

We think so. In the comics, Kamala x Bruno (almost) became a thing from what we’ve seen while searching through Google images. But then, there’s the Kamran thing and him getting Bruno’s name wrong. Oh, and it doesn’t help that his mother is evil.

Kamala x Bruno
[Credit: Marvel]

Kamala X Bruno Were Almost A Thing In The Comics

We found an article on Kamala x Bruno on the Marvel website, exploring some of the most significant aspects of the pair’s relationship from the comics. It’s odd because some moments have popped up in the series. One of these happened in episode four, which involved Kamala meeting Kareem, the Red Dagger, while she was in Karachi. Another instance happened in episode three when Bruno is injured while helping her fight off Najma and her goons at her brother, Aamir’s wedding.

We’ve seen Bruno’s feelings from the first episode, but Kamala seems oblivious to her best friend’s massive crush on her. However, she is confused when he tells her about his admission to CalTech, though it doesn’t go much further.

Kamala x Bruno: The Awkward Truth

Bruno has been with Kamala a lot and is a treasured member of the Khan family. Yusuf, Kamala’s dad, values his tech-savviness and ability to keep a secret from Muneeba regarding his secret snacking. Muneeba, Kamala’s mother, loves cooking for Bruno and his grandmother. She even has a secret talent for being able to pack food quickly.

If Bruno accepts the invitation to go to CalTech, he will be leaving Jersey City and, therefore, Kamala. Will he be able to live with himself if he can’t face his fears and face up to his feelings? We’ll have to wait and see what happens.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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