Percy Jackson

Gods Of Death, Pain And Misery

Death, misery

Death, pain and misery are three of the most human emotions known to human creation. In the Percy Jackson universe, there are gods for each of these. While the more well-known deities are mentioned, we thought that death, pain and misery should get a somewhat decent look at, given they are essential to the stories told in the book series.

So, let’s begin with death. Who is the god of death? Well, this is a bit of a trick question. Thanatos, the twin brother of the god of sleep, Hypnos, is known as the god of peaceful death. Though, it does not appear that there is a god for violent death. When Hades became Lord of the Underworld, Thanatos served under him as his lieutenant.

Gods Of Pain And Misery (so of)

Next up, we have the god of pain. Acheron is the river god of pain. Unfortunately, there isn’t much information on him in the Percy Jackson universe. However, from what is said, he patrols the Underworld and stops any souls from entering until they pay the ferryman, Charon.

Finally, we reach the god of misery. Okay, while there isn’t exactly a god of misery, per se, there is Akhlys. She is a primordial, better known to the greeks as a Protogenos. She was born before the titans and is a daughter of Chaos and Nyx. Her task was to be the Keeper of the Death Mist. When Annabeth Chase mentions that she’s a “minor goddess”, Akhlys isn’t too pleased with this description. She is known to make sacrifices to her mother, Nyx, whom she deeply admires.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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