Chronicles of Harkle

Cynical Analysis Of Harry And Meghan’s Recent Escapades

They say a leopard doesn’t change its spots. In today’s culture, if you have a different opinion, you’re considered a racist. We need to address how is any of this fair. Not to mention, Prince Harry and Meghan’s recent escapades have done no favours for anyone. Whatever happened to the world before social media existed? Why can’t we agree to disagree? Unfortunately, the universe doesn’t operate that way. It has also become part of the everyday norm to criticise someone with who you don’t agree.

It’s fine to debate. However, it is not okay to bully. This type of behaviour is part of a cancel culture. We know there will be those who will argue that it is not, but we honestly do not give a damn. This cynical analysis is not something we take lightly. Anyone who reads this blog knows we cannot stand what the Sussexes stand for. All they’re known for is preaching to the masses whilst sitting in their ivory mansion in Montecito.

We’re choosing to go cynical in this post because it is vital to point out the even bigger hypocritical escapades Prince Harry and Meghan have pushed down our throats since they left the confines of the UK.

When It Doesn’t Matter Where Jewels Come From

Meghan, like every woman married or born into the BRF, sets a standard for jewellery wearing. However, unlike others of her calibre, she doesn’t care where a jewel came from. Furthermore, all she wants to do is wear something sparkly. Moreover, it’s like she’s a raven who has stolen something priceless.

Since marrying into the British Royal Family, she has worn countless pieces of jewellery, most of which she inherited from her late mother-in-law, Diana, Princess of Wales. However, she tends to wear items with questionable origins.

Now, let’s think back to the Australia tour. Meghan and Harry attended a sumptuous dinner where she wore a pair of chandelier earrings worth about a million dollars in Fiji. These baubles were from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Now, while that mightn’t sound nefarious, it’s the man who gave them that is the issue.

Jon Lockett of the Sun newspaper reported in March that Meghan was in hot water for wearing blood diamonds. The Saudi prince was allegedly involved in the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, an outspoken journalist who had been dismembered three weeks before the Sussex wedding. However, it has been revealed that Marke has once again worn jewels from the same Crown Prince.

This time, however, Meghan was called out for wearing a custom made pinky ring. Now, the diamond that was used for this piece of jewellery was allegedly a part of the same set gifted by the Saudi Prince. According to Sara Nathan of Page Six, the ring was created by celebrity jewellery designer Lorraine Schwartz.

The reason we know the jewel used was from the Suadi Prince is that the article says, it came from the Middle East.

Meghan’s Love Of Pretty Things Will Be Her Undoing

Now, Meghan’s love of pretty things will cost her, and we’re talking in a big time. She’s been called out for lying about where the earrings and pinky ring came from.

With the earrings, she claimed she didn’t know where they’d come from but it came out as per Rosa Cartagena of the Washingtonian that she’d made the staff lie about where the items came from. The article states that Meghan claimed the earrings were borrowed with the suggestion being made that they came from the Royal Collection.

Going over to the pinky ring, it is said that it had been loaned to Markle from the stylist on the Times100 photoshoot. However, photographic evidence exists of her having worn the ring before.

Ultimately, this raises a couple of questions about the escapades Meghan thought she’d get away with here.

The first is does she not realise that people will look into her claims and debunk them? Look at the Oprah interview as a top-notch example. Almost everything she and Harry claimed was a lie, mistruth or an exaggeration.

Question number two is that does she care about other people? No. She does not. In recent days, she wore the pinky ring to an event in New York where she and Harry visited a 9/11 memorial. This shows how disrespectful she is. Terrorists of al Qaeda hijacked four planes and killed almost three thousand people. Wearing a piece of jewellery like from a known criminal is the perfect way to show your wealth, status, and hypocrisy where you claim compassion and kindness will cleanse the world.

Our final question is how can Harry stand by and let his wife rule the roost? We’ll leave this one open for interpretation.

Escapades Of The Year! Oops! We Mean Times100 Most Influential People Of The Year

We need to look at the Time100 situation. Yes, we’ve covered it already, but we wanted to go over it cynically. Can this pair get any lower? What work have Harry and Meghan done to make the world a better place? All they’ve done is whine about being rich whilst preaching about things that don’t concern them.

What’s more, is we were sent a lovely email the other day by a follower going under the name of Summer. They sent us a link to an Express article by Holly Evans, which makes the extraordinary claim that Harry’s so-called “boss” at BetterUp might’ve pulled some metaphorical strings to get him and his wife on the cover. What’s interesting about this is that the guy who allegedly did this owns Time Magazine as well as People Magazine which happens to be a pro-Sussex publication. Thanks, Summer for the heads up!

The article also states that royal author Angela Levin has said that it’s downright favouritism. She’s one hundred per cent correct. There are one hundred people on this list that could’ve been made the cover, including Britney Spears who has suffered more than the Sussexes.

Wait, You’re Not Medical Professionals!

To finish this post off, we wanted to briefly go over the Sussexes and their need to talk about misinformation in relation to the COVID vaccine. What business do these two have regarding this topic? Absolutely none. They’re not medical professionals. Also, they’re talking a big game when it comes to lies. Remember all those whoppers they told to Oprah?

We’re not going to go over a heap on this as we’re going to be doing a post on the New York situation. Why the hell would high ranking people like the bigwigs of multimillion-dollar pharmaceutical companies even listen to a pair who throw their families under the bus? Oh, right. Because they have money too. People with money talk to those who have money.

Finally, we need to address the VaxLive thing. Sure, it was months ago, but it ties in with this vaccine conversation. Now, we’re not here to dictate if you should have the vaccine or not. It’s your choice. However, Meghan and Harry are the last people who should be talking about vaccine equality and misinformation surrounding it.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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