Fans of The Clone Wars will know Bo-Katan Kryze as a warrior queen of Mandalore who happened to be the sister of Duchess Satine Kryze, a former flame of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. With The Mandalorian now back on Disney+ with its third Season, we thought we’d cover who Bo is. We won’t go into great detail as that is what the Wookieepedia article is for.
We wanted to explain briefly the role Bo-Katan plays in The Mandalorian, as there is so much information on her that it would be difficult to cover everything in one post. Also, if you want more info, check out the link above.
The Mandalorian: Bo-Katan
Katee Sackoff reprises her voice role from The Clone Wars and Rebels as live-action Bo-Katan in The Mandalorian. Rarely a voice actor will also take on the same character in a live-action setting. However, this same principle will be done in an upcoming Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episode with Jack Quaid and Tawny Newsom playing the live-action versions of their Star Trek: Lower Decks characters.
Bo-Katan’s live-action debut came in The Mandalorian Season 2 episode, “The Heiress“, which in a sense, is also a nod to Satine. Bo was accompanied by two fellow Mandalorian warriors and members of the Nite Owls, Koska Reeves and Axe Woves. She was later mentioned in the episode “The Jedi” before making her next appearance in “The Rescue.”
In the Season 3 premiere, Bo-Katan appears right towards the end of the episode and appears to have a beef with Din. Why? Because her warriors will no longer follow her as she no longer wields the darksaber while Din does. It appears that she has fallen into somewhat of a depression.
Bo could be somewhat antagonistic to Din this Season, given he has what she wants. But that makes us wonder. Will she get the darksaber? Only time will tell.