Marvel Cinematic Universe

WandaVision: The Friendship We Didn’t Know We Needed


WandaVision has given us Marvel fans so much hope for the next instalments for the MCU. Though, it gave us the one thing we didn’t realise we needed; the friendship between Jimmy Woo, Darcy Lewis, and Monica Rambeau…

The fourth phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe started with a massive bang… quite literally with WandaVision. It ended the drought we’d been in for the last eighteen months since Spider-Man Far From Home was in cinemas. While the world is not at fault for the coronavirus wrecking havoc, the Disney+ series has given us a friendship we didn’t realise we needed.

When Monica Rambeau got ejected from the Hex (thanks, Darcy), we were shown how she ended up stuck in Wanda’s false reality. She had just met FBI agent, Jimmy Woo who then met Doctor Darcy Lewis who was a fan… apparently… god, at the time we were so excited to see Woo and Lewis!

Once Rambeau had been thrown out of the Westview anomaly, the three came together and formed a team. They were forced to put up with the bullshit that is S.W.O.R.D.’s acting director Tyler Hayward and his apparent hatred for super powered beings. He threw Monica’s relationship with Captain Marvel in her face and then basically set her, Woo, and Darcy loose from the organisation that was started by Maria, Monica’s late mother.

Friendship Means Volumes

Monica has needed a lot of support since discovering that her mother had died three years earlier during the time in which she’d been blipped from existence. Having Woo and Darcy at her side during this time shows the strength of their friendship.

The trio have so tight that they attempted to take on Hayward together. When they failed, it didn’t put them off trying to put a stop the acting director of S.W.O.R.D. and his desire to weaponise Vision’s corpse.

Darcy is the one that comes up with all the insults thrown at Hayward. Known for her quick barbs thanks to her time as a friend to Thor, she is the ideal friend to have at your side. Then, we have Jimmy Woo.

Jimmy Woo has served as the ‘nanny’ to the second Ant-Man Scott Lang when he was under house arrest for helping Captain America during the Civil War between the Avengers. However, he seems to have a real handy way of being there for his friends. As the FBI agent that is reporting to Monica, it’s up to him to try and keep the peace.

However, even Jimmy’s patience with Hayward wears thin especially when he mocks him about Quantico. He doesn’t approve of the way things are going and strikes out with Monica and Darcy.

What makes his friendship with Darcy so sweet is that they bond over WandaVision while on the lookout for Monica.

A Team Effort

What makes the Rambeau-Lewis-Woo friendship so special is that they have a common purpose. They don’t try to outdo one another and want the same outcome.

When Darcy ends up trapped in the Westview anomaly, Monica takes Woo to an old friend of her mother’s who overlooks the buggy that they attempt to use to re-enter the Hex. However, when this fails, Jimmy instructs Rambeau to get out of the vehicle. She manages to get out just in the nick of time.

However, Monica is determined to get Darcy back and she enters the anomaly despite having Jimmy warning her not to. This leads her to end up activating her powers.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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