Women are not objects that should be exploited.

Women are not objects that should be exploited.
It’s time to empower women, not knock them down.
Caucasian Women have become sacrificial lambs for woke black women.
Women embrace the stereotypes thrown at them, not cower.
We need films like She Said, and Bombshell.
Women have voices and they ARE empowered to use them.
Meghan Markle’s Podcast Is Holding Women Back!
Women need to use their voices, but there are those who are silenced
Meghan Markle is anti-Feminist.
Curiouserer and Curiouserer…
Thank god we have the women from Ghosts.
There is no such thing as perfection but don’t say yes to something you won’t be able to fulfil…
Refinery29 is finally Down Under.
Equal treatment is what true feminists are about, and it shouldn’t be any different for a rich person.
Actions are better than words…
Flaunting your privilege doesn’t mean you’ll get away with it.
Empowering women doesn’t include bullying them.