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Baby Grace
Home and Away

Home and Away THEORY: Is Jasmine Becoming Obsessed With Baby Grace?

Jasmine Delaney’s life isn’t going the way she planned post her husband’s death earlier in the year. First, she thought she was pregnant only to find out she’d suffered a phantom pregnancy. Now, her one constant reminder of Robbo is her stepdaughter, Baby Grace. She is developing an obsession?

firing line
Marvel Cinematic Universe

Marvel THEORY: Could One Of Spider-Man’s Nearest And Dearest End Up In The Firing Line Of Newest Villain?

The currently untitled Spider-Man 3 has been pushed back to November 2021, due to the unforeseen COVID019 crisis. However, that hasn’t stopped people from speculating what’s next for our favourite web-slinging Avenger. Though, does that mean one of his closest allies will find themselves in the firing line?

sentenced to 23 years
True Crime

Harvey Weinstein Sentenced To 23 Years In Prison

Get out the funeral pyres because it’s time to celebrate! Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years in prison. How the mighty have fallen. Disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein is now a resident of the prison on Riker’s Island. He’s been sentenced to 23 years after being found guilty of sexual misconduct of two …

Katie; screaming match
The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold And The Beautiful: Katie And Quinn Have A Screaming Match In The Forrester Office

Katie is extremely hurt by everything that has happened with Bill, Brooke, Quinn, and Shauna. However, she won’t stand for is the false Forrester Matriarch getting involved in family business that has nothing to do with her.