Cancel Culture

What Digital Justice ACTUALLY Looks Like

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Digital Justice is now another woke Sussex bandwagon – These are troubling times. With Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on a crusade to cleanse the world of “misinformation” and “disinformation,” they’ve had their minions attack those who peddle the truth. In the past few months, they’ve had a known bot fraud do a sweep of Twitter and take out some heavy hitters in the Megxiteer community. The situation has gotten so bad that now people on YouTube fear their livelihoods will go down the toilet.

In the last week, both Yankee Wally and Sue Smith were terminated without warning from YouTube. Both women have enormous voices regarding Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Neither had received any formal reports of violations.

This isn’t the first time either Yankee or Sue have been targeted. Wally has a colourful past in which she has been open about with her followers. However, it’s because of Omid Scobie, Bot man (who shall remain nameless), Ellie Hall, and the Sussex Squad have all gone for her. She was first removed from Twitter, along with Murky Meg, before having her YouTube account suspended.

Sue, meanwhile, only got a complaint regarding a video she did on bot man. This was ruled in her favour as she didn’t do anything wrong. If we’re honest, this could be a revenge attack for the win. We’re not sure, but this whole shutting down of free speech is not a form of digital justice. It is the beginning of a dictatorship.

The Sussex dictatorship wants people to only say positive comments. Any criticism deserves to be shut down, and the sender? Cancelled. This is the way of the world now, and there is no stopping it. However, there is a partial solution; make unexpected moves on social media.

What Is Digital Justice?

So, before we jump into the main structure of the post, we need to look at the definition of Digital Justice.

According to the Adecco Group, Digital Justice is, in layman’s terms, to corrects harms caused on platforms that use data to function to a group of people or a single person. In the minds of the Sussexes, their cult of followers, and any other woke person, no one else is allowed an opinion or is allowed to criticise them.

It has gotten to the point where people are being mass reported to social media outlets, then shut down. How is this okay? This is keyboard warrior antics to the extreme. Without opinions, the world would become a full-on dictatorship like North Korea and Russia where everything is monitored.

The conflict in Russia is the perfect example of a dictatorship. The Russian media is being censored to make it appear that the invasion of the Ukrainians was their fault and not Russia’s. There’s more to it that we don’t quite understand. This is the general gist of it.

The Sussexes And Social Media

Harry and Meghan claim they don’t read about themselves or use social media. However, why is Harry suing the Mail on Sunday for hurting his feelings if he doesn’t read about himself? 

During their President’s Award at the NAACP Awards a few weeks ago, they mentioned comments on social media. Then, Meghan said:

“This is the era of the Digital Justice movement.”

Meghan Markle – NAACP Awards

Why would they care about social media if they’re not on it? It does NOT make sense. Though, it does if they have secret accounts. We believe that they do go through social media feeds. Omid Scobie stated in his hagiography Finding Freedom that Harry was on social media and that he would read comments about himself. It would not surprise us if he and Meghan were still on there but with spy accounts. People would know if she reactivated her original accounts.

Let’s not forget that Meghan compared social media users to drug users. She then claimed she had not used social media in years. We know that is a load of bull because there were Americanisms used on the Sussex Royal Instagram. A British communications team wouldn’t make the mistake of using American spelling. 

It was likely Meghan who was posting to Sussex Royal probably because she didn’t trust the communications team to do it the way she wanted. This is just a theory and is not meant to be taken as literal truth.


Yes, you, dear reader, read that correctly. Bots. In our fight for true digital justice, we have to talk about bots. They are all over social media, we all know this. In a video by Avid Gardener, there was an interesting comment about bots. She interacted with some of them. She said that she was saying things that they were confused by. There was even a mention of one bot getting confused over genders. We thought that was fascinating.

That brings us to some interesting intel from the Theresa Longo Fanpage. We won’t go over it all, but they’ve reported that there is a ton of bot activity trying to bring down the monarchy by trashing royal engagements, tours, etc. For anyone who doesn’t know much about celebrity culture, it is standard practice for celebrities to use bots to enhance their platforms.

Bots may be part of the Sussex brand strategy that Sunshine Sachs is using. We don’t know whether this is true. Given the ugly responses under news articles and on social media about the Cambridges’ Caribbean tour, it wouldn’t be surprising.

Also, we know that Harry is aware of the bots as he has mentioned the Bot Sentinel reports either indirectly or directly in interviews with the Aspen Institute. We’re not sure which as we don’t keep up-to-date with his activities and adventures to remain relevant.

If he wants someone to go after regarding misinformation, go after the people who create the bot farms saying horrible things about the family he used to value. Oh, no. Wait a moment. He doesn’t care because he’s been brainwashed to believe they were against Meghan. This, ultimately, includes his nephews, Princes George and Louis, and niece Princess Charlotte. Also, the children of his cousins are in that category.


We’re going to do a few more posts on this, so please stay tuned. There is so much to cover and so many questions we want answered. This is just scratching the surface.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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