Chronicles of Harkle

Prince Harry Turns 40: What A Fall From Grace  – OPINION

Harry 40

As Prince Harry Turns 40, He Went From Being Loved To Absolutely Hated.

Prince Harry is now 40. Shock horror, right? Not only has he finally gotten the remaining money from his late great-grandmother, The Queen Mother, but he also received birthday wishes from his family. He has fallen from grace and doesn’t understand why. No one, not even his old friends, wants to talk to him. They fear their conversations will be placed in another book, podcast or unnecessary interview.

The British Royal family’s social media accounts posted birthday wishes to the wayward prince. Someone pointed out that the late Queen had established a rule where only working royals are entitled to have birthday messages made public unless it is a milestone like Harry turning 40.

However, Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall didn’t get birthday acknowledgements when they turned 40. There is a difference as they are not titled. Harry is. He wouldn’t be out in the cold if he had married a woman with class and a winning personality. Also, he wouldn’t be called out (along with his wife) by The Hollywood Reporter.

Prince Harry At 40: The Enabler.

Being referred to as “an enabler” to his terrible wife’s awful behaviour is damning. But it is necessary, as by association, Harry, despite being 40, is as bad as she is and believes they are right, and everyone is wrong. Surely, he can see that their staff turnover rate is bad. He uses the excuse “Oh, they’re not qualified enough to work with us” like it’s an unexplainable bruise. Ah…

Doesn’t Harry realise that every member of staff he and Meghan have had is an expert in their field? For example, Samantha Cohen, who worked for the late Queen had almost 20 years of experience. She joined The Queen’s household in 2001.

Then, we have the latest member of staff to quit, Josh Kettler, the chief of staff. Seriously? The Sussexes are not in politics.

Josh Kettler would’ve seen bad things during his short tenure with Harry and Meghan. Could he have started a revolt against them? Probably not, given he wasn’t there for long.

Who Are The Sources For The Hollywood Reporter Article On Meghan Markle’s Bad Behaviour?

Kettler worked for the Sussexes for only three months. This is a new record of how fast staff have quit. Some people have speculated that he might’ve been one of the sources for The Hollywood Reporter article. Whether he was, or not, we don’t know, so we have to say allegedly.

We’d love to see the Sussexes attempt to sue The Hollywood Reporter for defamation, though, we know they won’t. THR has eyes and ears everywhere. Harry and Meghan aren’t stupid enough to go up against a Tinseltown-affiliated publication. They’d lose big time in court because the journalists have reliable and well-placed sources, Also, the ex-staff don’t want their names in the open.

They’re terrified of Meghan. Can you blame them? She would try to have them blacklisted. No wonder zero A-listers want nothing anything to do with her and Harry.

What Calculated Smear Campaign?

Harry’s statement to the BBC for his birthday to “show up and do good” doesn’t hold water. He cannot protect his staff from his tyrannical wife, as he turns a blind eye to her actions. This was a point made by Brittany of the Royal News Network.

One example of him ignoring the situation would be African Parks.

Another aspect that Harry grapples with, even at 40, is the press calling him and Meghan out on their lies. They don’t like it. They’re well-known for saying it’s “a calculated smear campaign” from “the British media.”

The couple’s US staff has been bullied too. They now understand it was not a “smear campaign” against Meghan. Someone on Twitter found that in California, NDAs can be broken if someone is bullied, which in turn, is harassment. However, Sue Smith pointed out in one of her latest videos that there is a downside.

If a highly experienced person goes public about workplace harassment and wants to get another big job, like in Hollywood for example, they can’t. Why? They have gone up against their former high-profile employer. That is why the US staff members spoke to The Hollywood Reporter anonymously. They want to expose Meghan without being blacklisted.

Prince Harry Is A 40-Year-Old Man Who Never Grasped His Lack Of Importance.

When you think of royalty, you consider the bigger things like crowns, tiaras, ball gowns and handsome princes sweeping women off their feet. This is nothing more than a fantasy. Prince Harry wants the world to see his life with Meghan Markle as magical, something to aspire to. A relationship that breaks the mould of typical royal marriage.

Before Meghan, Harry, on the surface, wasn’t a fantasist. We know the palace covered up his bad behaviour. Look at all the stories that came out about his teenage drug-taking. There were also stories from his childhood where he was racist.

The Child Racist

When Harry was eight years old, he went with his mother, William and a bodyguard on a day trip. The Daily Star says he spent most of the time being “casually racist” towards the bus driver. This story came from an excerpt from Robert Jobson’s book on King Charles III. Diana was utterly horrified and punished her youngest child, accordingly.

The Army Allegations

Then we have the stories that came out of the army where Harry was racist towards fellow service members. He’s become an “advocate against unconscious bias [racism]”. In his book Spare, Harry wrote he was “bigoted” before he met Meghan. He was a little brat before she came along. Though, yes, he was bigoted and continues to be so.

Harry despite being 40, fails to realise he was never important. He won’t be an adviser to William and blew it when he made untrue allegations. Also, does he not consider that his sister-in-law has feelings when he accused her of being cold towards Meghan?

If Harry were to end things with Meghan and beg William for help, he wouldn’t get it. Sure, there will be anti-monarch and Sussex Squad members who call the future king cruel for not helping his brother, but here’s the thing. They would turn on Harry at the drop of a hat.

Meghan Makes Harry’s 40th Birthday About Her  – Not A Surprise!

On Harry’s 40th birthday, he didn’t go on a ‘lads weekend’ with his ‘friends’. Nor did he spend it with his kids. According to 9Honey, instead, he and Meghan went to a charity tennis match they supposedly sponsored (they’re not on the website for the event – thanks for the info, Sidley Twins).

The world was given a look, as per The Daily Mail, at Meghan hugging the woman whose son’s name is attached to the event as it is an annual tribute to him. Then we get a group picture of the Sussexes with the couple involved in the tennis match and your eyes drift to Meghan’s too-short cotton dress and her “I need to pee” pose.

There were photos, thanks to Page Six, taken of the Sussexes driving into Tyler Perry’s birthday party. Meghan is grinning, having the time of her life. Meanwhile, Harry is filming the paparazzi as more ‘evidence’ of being stalked. Surely, he sees how happy his wife is to be photographed.

The paps were going to be the event, regardless, of whether Harry and Meghan showed up. They’re not interested in them as the Sussexes were not the guests of honour. It was Tyler Perry’s birthday. He or his party planner invited the paparazzi.

The Spears Breakdown Example And Column Inches

Britney Spears’ breakdown was on the front cover of magazines and newspapers internationally. It was the reason for her conservatorship. Meghan’s claim to Tom Bradby in South Africa that the US hasn’t got tabloids, and she wasn’t in them is a blatant lie. We also know that Katie Hind revealed in a 2019 article for The Daily Mail that Markle begged her for column inches.

Why would Katie lie about that? She wouldn’t and there is no way she’d want a lawsuit. This was at a time when Meghan wasn’t universally hated.

Meghan Markle’s ultimate dream is to be in the media and attend A-list events where she’s the star. She, more or less, got that wish. But not to the extent she wanted and needed to be adored and showered with praise. She takes the spotlight from everyone around her, even her husband.

She didn’t care it was Harry’s 40th birthday when they went to the charity Tennis match. All she cared about was the pictures that would come out of the event. She wants to be seen as a kind and loving person who forgives. Okay, if she does this, then why hasn’t she forgiven her dad and taken her kids to see him? Why doesn’t she allow the kids to see their British cousins? Oh, right. She only believes in the philosophy when it suits her, otherwise, everyone is dead to her.

Harry Is Desperate To Be Equal To His Brother

It has been clear for a long time that Harry believes he is as important as his brother. We’d hate to break it to you Haz, but you’re Scar in this scenario. You’ll never be king and as of Prince George’s birth, you’re irrelevant. It happens to every spare, regardless of the monarchy.

Prince Andrew had to swallow his pride when William was born. Princess Alexia of the Netherlands understands her older sister, Catharina-Amalia will be Queen. Prince Hashem of Jordan is in the same vote. The difference is he might be the next king after Crown Prince Hussein if he doesn’t have a son.

Just an FYI. Jordanian monarchs pick their heirs amongst the men in the Line of Succession. If Hussein’s newborn daughter, Princess Iman, had been a boy, the child would be in the LoS.

William cannot help that he was born first any more than Harry can help to be ‘the spare.’ Being a spare, at least in the British Royal Family, isn’t always glamourous.

Notable Spares

Look at Princess Margaret. She was a spare to her sister The Queen before Prince (now King) Charles and Princess Anne were born. Even after her nephew and niece’s births, her life was dramatic. She couldn’t marry the man she wanted. Peter Townsend was divorced and she had health challenges where she had to have part of a lung removed in 1985.

If Harry isn’t careful, he will end up in the same vote as Andrew. No one will want to see his face. Sure, he sits above his uncle and Meghan in the polls. However, he’s not at the bottom because he hasn’t befriended horrible people like Randy Andy did. Though, yes, his friendships or rather Meghan’s are questionable.

William has more dignity than Harry. He wouldn’t go to the press and say, “My brother pushed me into a dog bowl.”

Meghan has pushed Harry into thinking they deserve the throne.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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