This post is told in the first person, written to SUPPORT Moses Ingram.
The Fandom Menace is at it again! I knew this would happen again. Millions of Star Wars fans are supportive and accepting, but it only takes a minority to diminish the fandom’s progress in the last decade. Even after forty-five years, these types of people cannot accept change. So when it was announced that Moses Ingram had been announced as a member of the Obi-Wan Kenobi cast, I had a sick feeling that it would be a repeat of the toxicity that has existed since the days of the prequel trilogy.
Bullying comes in all forms; I’m not denying that but taunting a person purely for doing their job and what they look like is NOT on. Anyone who has followed this site for a while will know that I’m a white woman who refuses to take any form of nonsense. This community was born from the determination to have a truthful narrative that benefits all that come by the site with facts to back what is said.
I also DO NOT stand for racism. Moses might be African-American, but that does not give toxic trolls such as the Fandom Menace the right to criticise her for something she has zero control over. It is OK to criticise her character, but it is NOT OK to send her abusive messages or attack her person. This is the same disgusting behaviour that John Boyega and Kelly Marie Tran had to endure with the sequel trilogy.
Caucasian Actors Are Also Victims Of The Fandom Menace
White actors such as Daisy Ridley, Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen had to endure the same heinous behaviour. The bullying became so bad for Jake Lloyd that he quit acting and has alleged mental health issues. Daisy Ridley has only just returned to Instagram after several years off the platform due to the abuse she copped.
At the recent Star Wars Celebration event in Anaheim, Hayden Christensen loved how the fandom has embraced him in all the years since he did the prequel trilogy. His return has been a long time coming, and I am so glad he agreed to reprise his role as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Even young Vivien Lyra Blair, who plays young Leia, has copped it simply for playing little Leia as being “too annoying” and “too smart.” Umm. These people realise that her birth parents were a podracing champion who won the Boonta Eve Classic at the same age Leia is now and a former Queen of Naboo, right? So Leia had to get her smarts from somewhere. Also, she’s sassy, not annoying!
Star Wars Takes A Stand For Moses
Having learned from previous mistakes, Lucasfilm put out strongly-worded social media posts supporting Moses. Here’s a sample of that from their Twitter account:
Even Ewan McGregor spoke out on it:
As the lead actor and an executive producer on Obi-Wan Kenobi, he had every right to defend his co-star. Everything he said in the video was spot on, which included racist fans are not fans as far as he is concerned. He’s right. This is the same sentiment I’ve had for years, and so have so many other true fans.
Ahmed Best Bounced Back
Actor Ahmed Best is best known for playing the Gungan, Jar-Jar Binks, but like many actors who have joined Star Wars, he suffered a torrid of abuse after The Phantom Menace. It got so bad that he considered committing suicide. However, it was the love of his son that made him realise he had a reason to live. The outpouring of support from the true fans who love and admire him gave him the strength to continue living.
He also didn’t hold his time in the prequels accountable. He rejoined the Star Wars by reprising his role as Jar-Jar in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and providing the voice for a couple of other more minor characters, and sharing the part with BJ Hughes, an alias of voice actor Phil LaMarr. Ahmed also had a secret cameo as Achk Med-Beq in Attack of the Clones. Finally, he played a significant role as Jedi Master Kelleran Beq in the Jedi Temple Challenge.
The Fandom Menace Hate Change
The Fandom Menace love steering up drama. After all the crap they pulled in, destroying Jake’s life and attempting to do the same to Hayden, Ahmed, Kelly, John, and Daisy, you would’ve thought that their mission was over. But, no, it wasn’t, and it never will. See, they hate change. They don’t like the idea of Darth Vader once being a good guy. Not to mention, they despise the idea of a woman being the lead character. So they go after anyone who is not caucasian.
One thing that I cannot get my head around is why the Fandom Menace didn’t go after Billy Dee Williams and Donald Glover, who played young Lando. When Lando was introduced in The Empire Strikes Back, the internet wasn’t invented, so there were no chatrooms, let alone social media. Though, their logic for hating black actors is entirely flawed. They seem to forget that James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader, is black.
The Fandom Menace are a bunch of idiots who only want to ruin the fun for the true fans. True fans don’t complain. They embrace the franchise for what it is. Not all the content put out is for everyone. They need to pull up their big person’s pants and deal with it!
I want to conclude by saying I 1000% support Moses and wish her the best and that she has an army around her.