Home and Away

Home And Away: Drama Between Mac, Ari, And Mia Is About To Intensify


Poor Mac is about to face an unexpected surprise and fresh heartache…

The drama surrounding Mac, Ari, and Mia is about to intensify with the love triangle about to enter a new, unexpected phrase. The restaurant owner begs her rival not to take her man away from her and we later discover why.

During a promo for next week, Mac reveals to housemate Ziggy that she’s pregnant with Ari’s child. The hits are about to keep coming with her boyfriend and baby daddy unable to control himself around his ex with the two of them ending up in bed together.

This begs the question of whether Mac will tell him about the baby. Though, it looks like Ari and Mia end up getting back together as behind-the-scenes images (like our feature image) have revealed them kissing on the beach.

There’s a lot of other questions to be had too, like will Mac end up having the baby or will she miscarry due to her grief?

How The Paratas, Dean And Chloe Will React

Mia’s daughter, Chloe always had a close relationship with Ari and considered him her father-figure. When she bumped into Nikau while backpacking in New Zealand, she joined him on his return trip to the Bay after he’d spent time with his mother, Gemma.

The Paratas had always seen the Andersons as family given Mia and Ari were raising Mia together prior to the armed robbery that landed Ari in prison.

Currently, Mia and Chloe’s relationship is rocky. However, if her mother and Ari get back together, it might convince her otherwise.

Tane and Nik would probably question what happened with Mac, though they would want Ari to be happy.

Though, the reaction may change if they discover that Mac is pregnant. However, Dean is not going to happy when he finds out. He’s always been very protective of his sister in the short time he’s known her. So, if he finds out that Ari has broken her heart, there is going to be literal hell to pay.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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