Hannah Clarke And Her Three Children Laid To Rest In A Single Coffin

single coffin

Queensland mother-of-three, Hannah Clarke and her three children are now laid to rest.

Slain mum Hannah Clarke and her three children were laid to rest in Queensland yesterday in a single coffin. Hundreds of mourners gathered together to remember the courageous mother who fought to protect her kids from their father, Rowan Baxter, who was also a serial cheater.

Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison and the Queensland Premier attended the somber affair. Meanwhile, Hannah’s friends and family placed butterflies on the single coffin and wore pink. The casket contained the bodies of the four lost souls in the ambush conducted by Baxter.

Baxter killed his family as revenge for them leaving him after years of abuse. Hannah did everything in her power to keep her children safe for the monster they called ‘dad’. After the slaughter, Baxter’s only surviving child, Isaiah revealed he too suffered abuse. A longtime friend of Hannah’s revealed Rowan had planned to kill his previous partner and their son.


Hannah and her children’s deaths prompted discussion into domestic violence. This is a tragic event that we’re seeing too often and it needs to stop. No person, female or male should be treated with contempt. While it’s impossible to create a utopia, we can ado something to prevent deaths before they happen. No one deserves to feel isolated in a dangerous situation.

Hannah’s death and that of their children should never have happened. They lived fulfilled lives and Baxter should have been inprisoned. Lloyd Clarke said he hopes his son-in-law rots in hell for robbing Hannah and his grandchildren of their lives.

Seeing the photos of the funeral and that single coffin makes us want to cry. Four lives lost too soon in an event caused by a man with a hatred for women. This should never have happened. While the police should be commended in their efforts, it simply wasn’t enough.

People like Baxter shouldn’t be walking around. They should be monitored with ankle trackers like sex offenders are. Or better yet, they should be a padded cell. People should learn from a young age that everyone needs equal treatment, regardless of gender.

Kind Words

From what Nat Clarke, Hannah’s brother has said, Isaiah sent him a text saying if he could take the places of his siblings, he would. This young kid has broken the cycle of misogyny men in the Baxter family. Had Trey survived, he would have also broken that cycle as he loved his mother and sisters.

Rest in peace, beautiful Hannah. Your little angels are with you and know that you will always be loved. No woman or man should suffer the way you did. The world is a better place because the four of you existed. You will forever be in the thoughts of every Australian who has been touched by your story.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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