Kamala heads to Karachi with her mother, and we meet her Nani and a new friend, Red Dagger. It’s hard to believe we’re already on episode four of Ms Marvel! We’ve been loving every second of it. It’s possible we love it more than the other MCU shows. Anyway, besides the point. Today’s post will centre on two new characters; one is new, and one we’ve become familiar with over the early part of the series. The first is Sana, Kamala’s Nani and Muneeba’s mother. The second is Kareem, aka the Red Dagger. This is escaping the drama with Bruno and his feelings and his willingness to escape them.
Just a word of warning: this post will contain spoilers for this week’s episode and the episodes from previous weeks.
Meet Nani!
We got a proper introduction to Kamala’s Nani this week; she reminds us of our late grandmother. Kamala and Sana’s relationship is incredibly close as they understand each other in ways everyone else doesn’t. However, as mentioned in previous episodes, Sana and Muneeba don’t get along. Muneeba moved to America to stop people from looking down on her because of their views on her mother.
Nani is someone we would hug like constantly. She is a blanket full of warmth, and nothing is crazy about her. She doesn’t freak out when her granddaughter mentions the Djinn and is surprisingly calm about it. If it were us, we’d panic and probably break down sobbing. Sana also does her best to reconnect with Muneeba. It works a bit as they bond over how Muneeba loved toffee as a child.
Kamala’s Friends
Before jumping into Red Dagger, we want to return to Kamala’s friends in America. Neither Bruno nor Nakia are referenced by name. Nor are they seen. But it’s evident Nakia is giving Kamala the silent treatment after learning she’s the superhero that she’s [Nakia] been dissing as she’s not answering Kamala’s dozens of text messages
At the same time, Kamala was forced to leave Nakia to tend to Bruno after he was injured in the fight against Najma and her squad at Aamir and Tyesha’s wedding. However, archival voice recordings are used when Kamala has nightmares about Nakia’s reaction to her powers.
Meet Kareem, AKA The Red Dagger
While looking for the train station, Kamala is found by a boy wearing a red scarf over his face. After the fight, they team up with the guy, Kareem, taking her to the lair of the Red Dagger. They are met by Waleed, who tells Kamala more about her great-grandmother, Aisha.
Red Dagger is an amazing combatant who aids Kamala in escaping from the Clan Destines when they escape the D.O.D.C’s custody in Jersey in the US and end up in Karachi. What’s even more shameful for them is they leave Kamran behind. Kareem kills one of the members, Aadam and another is killed, leaving Najma and the other female member as the survivors.