Chronicles of Harkle

Even Meghan Markle’s Allies Cannot Believe She’s Fighting With A Trade Publication Via A Tabloid – OPINION

Meghan Markle allies

It’s been a rough couple of weeks for Meghan Markle with The Hollywood Reporter releasing that scathing article on the “dictator in heels”, but the biggest thing to recently come out is one of her allies is questioning her motives. We won’t be naming the person as they’re a friend of She-Who-Mustn’t-Be-Named, by we will link a tweet from someone we follow on Twitter/X who posted the original article from the Sussex ally.

Meghan Markle’s allies, or rather ally, cannot understand why she chose US Weekly of all publications to refute The Hollywood Reporter. Despite this person’s fierce alliance to the former actress, they raise a point so many people have referenced before.

The Hollywood Reporter, unlike US Weekly, is NOT a tabloid. It is a trade publication read by everyone in Tinseltown. The idea of one of Meghan Markle’s allies coming out and questioning why she went to a tabloid rather than a reliable publication will never got be funny.

Meghan Markle Allies Aren’t On The Defence – Only Staff

Oh, wait. It get way worse for Meghan. An article in the Daily Beast is now calling the former actress “a demon.”

If Meghan Markle and her so-called allies are so offended, why don’t they just sue every publication who puts out what they dub “negative PR” and “smear campaigns”? Oh, right. None of them afford it. Also, going up against The Hollywood Reporter via US Weekly is a dumb move.

US Weekly is a tabloid that was once considered competition to People Magazine. To read more about check out the link in the tweet above.

What is interesting is that only some of Meghan’s staff have come out to “defend” her in the US Weekly article. Some are even calling themselves “friends” of the Sussexes. This is very telling because they’re named. Something tells us that the staffers, who are either former or current employees at Archewell, were subjected to a loyalty test and were named.

Sorry, But We Don’t Think The Staff Are Meghan Markle Allies

If you read the US Weekly article, it depicts Meghan as “the best boss ever” who “only wants to help people.” For the staffers who are named in the piece, this would’ve been a test by Markle to weed out the person who spoke to The Hollywood Reporter.

Meghan has been in show business long enough to know that The Hollywood Reporter is not a publication you want to mess with. If they call you out, there is no turning the story around. Their sources are solid.

If loyalty tests were performed, it wouldn’t be the first time. Valentine Low mentioned in his book, Courtiers, that the Sussexes did this to the palace staff too, to ensure their undying devotion. This was referenced in three different articles; the Daily Mail, 9Honey and Fox News. Three publications in three separate countries; the United Kingdom, Australia and America.

Meghan Markle Has No Ground To Stand On

Let’s get to the nitty-gritty, shall we? The Hollywood Reporter has no reason to lie. It is an American publication and has nothing to do with the UK media. Also, everybody in Hollywood reads it. Most won’t even touch US Weekly with a ten foot pole.

Not to mention, Valentine Low wrote for a high-ranking newspaper; The Times Of London, which is well-known for being thorough. The Hollywood is in the same category. They wouldn’t publish things, if it wasn’t true.

Another point we need to mention is the editor-in-chief of US Weekly, used to be an editor at People Magazine. He is likely the “friend” Abigail Spencer references during the Netflix show who agreed to publish the People article that first mentions Meghan’s letter to her dad, Thomas Markle back in 2019. While he didn’t write the articles himself, he helped make it happen.

It’s surprising that Meghan did have the staff go to People Magazine. Though, Brittany of The Royal News Network made a great point when she said on Twitter that Markle probably wanted to. But the editors felt something iffy was likely going on and declined the story. It would explain why US Weekly got the story instead.

Even People magazine knows not to mess with The Hollywood Reporter.

Meghan could have gotten her reputation back on track much sooner, if she didn’t constantly control the narrative. She could’ve paused, thought back to how she treated people, apologised and moved on. But no. She needs people to see her as “kind and compassionate” because her narcissism won’t let her be criticised.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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