Chronicles of Harkle

SUSSEX RUMOUR: Is A Divorce Imminent?


Is there a divorce headed in Harry and Meghan’s future? In the past couple of days, there’s been a few rumours floating around social media regarding the Sussexes getting a divorce. Now, all this is hearsay. We don’t know whether it is true or not as don’t believe something unless it is in the mainstream media. We’ve written before about what could potentially happen if Harry and Meghan were to get a divorce. These were just theories of what might happen.

So, that brings us to these rumours. There have been numerous tabloid pieces over the last five years, but these pieces of information about a Sussex divorce were not from the trash mags that take up shelf space in the supermarket. Both pieces of GOSSIP come from Markle News on Instagram. 

Source One – No Talk Of Divorce But There Are Signs

The first piece is from the Theresa Longo Fan Page, which is run by a couple of journalists. They’ve said that they’re still trying to verify sources, and it’s “sensitive.” We did a bit of digging on the actual website, and we found a piece of interesting information. While it says there is no talk of a divorce, Harry and Meghan are known to have some explosive fights, and there’s resentment on all sides.

Apparently, Harry also cries and is compliant when it comes to Meghan. She controls every aspect of their lives.

Source Two – Would’ve Been Announced Last Month

This second source (also posted to Marke News on Instagram, where it came from is unknown) says that there is talk of divorce. However, the intel should be taken only as a rumour. The story claims that the announcement was meant to happen in February. However, it was put on hold due to Her Majesty getting COVID and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict happening.

The rumour also says that the Queen’s lawyers are involved, and apparently, so were/are The Queen herself and Prince Charles. It has also been claimed the lawyers will likely have something drawn up to protect Harry.

Finally, the source also says that Meghan is on the lookout for another rich man. We’ve heard this a few times before this too.

How Much Do We Believe?

If we’re honest, we’re unsure of how much we believe. There are a few reasons why.

The first reason is Harry’s determination not to have a failing marriage as his parents had. He is also too immature to live on his own. It’s been evident for a while that he’s not happy. It’s now a rare sighting to have him issue a genuine smile and for him NOT to listen to Meghan. The last time he used his head was at the Intrepid Gala in November 2021, where he didn’t allow her to pull him away from the people he was talking to. It was like a switch had been flipped at that moment. Also, why would The Queen and Prince Charles get involved?

Reason number two is Harry is Meghan’s meal ticket. We know that sounds cliché, but she needs to pass herself off as this humanitarian-potential presidential-political candidate to achieve her goals of being… whatever it is she wants to be. Without Harry and her title, she’s a nobody that very few people take any notice of, and she’s well aware of this. If there were a divorce, she would be back to square one.

Finally, point three is that she needs dirt on Harry for when a divorce does happen. It’s our belief she does have something over him, but if he leaves her and takes the kids, she will spill all.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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