Cancel Culture

An Attack On Free Speech – Harry And Meghan Markle Unwittedly Unveiled The Dark Side Of Royal Reporting

dark side

UNPRECEDENTED – We’re choosing to call Harry and Meghan’s attack on free speech as confirmation of joining the dark side. We’ve spoken about the dark side of reporting on the royals before, but in recent days, we’ve seen darkness loom over the occupation. While not every journalist can stomach writing and reporting about any royal around the world, there are a few delusional eggs who love one set of royals but not others. Why did they choose this career path if they cannot be impartial? Yes, we’re looking at Omid Scobie as being amongst those.

So, a while ago, we spoke about a comment Harry made regarding America’s First Amendment. Ultimately, this occurred when he appeared on actor Dax Shepard’s podcast, The Armchair Expert. Moreover, the guest spot was for the lead up to The Me You Can’t See. As you can imagine, Americans were not thrilled to hear a foreign prince residing in their country refer to the First Amendment as “bonkers”. If he’s thrown a barb at something Australia had in place, civilians would respond in two ways. The first would be a cry heard from the rooftops as there was from the Americans. Or, the second could happen, which would be a total shrug off, which would say, “We’re not worried.”

The Sussexes are inserting themselves into journalism when things don’t go their way. When they tried demanding that they choose who they talk to, the couple pulled the pin and jetted to Canada and then California, they said they would only commune with grassroots organisations and upcoming journalists, as per the media page on the still existing Sussex Royal website.

Young, Impressionable And A Dark Side

In the early days of what became Megxit, the Sussexes released to the Sussex Royal website that they’d engage with grassroots media organisations and upcoming journalists. They also claimed they wouldn’t be using the royal rota system. However, they’ve then gone on to blame the media for everything.

This feeds into the dark side of royal journalism. Why? Well, they wanted to ignore the seasoned veteran reporters who were over forty. In layman’s terms, they discriminated against them because they weren’t impressionable and knew right from wrong. They would question their objectives. Had their demands been met, they would’ve corrupted young journalists into falling into their mindset that the monarchy is corrupt, abusive, and neglectful. Also, when they say “grassroots media”, they mean outlets that will write positively about them.

A lot of young journalists look for the first big scoop that will put them on the world map. Moreover, the Sussexes were looking at exploiting this. If they could say that they’d be villainised, an unseasoned reporter mightn’t question it. Someone with experience would. Moreover, one example of this would be Omid Scobie. Now, he’s Meghan’s age (apparently), so he’s middle-aged and not young like he wants to portray himself to be.

The Opposite Direction

When the Sussexes were told they couldn’t have what they wanted, they sought to make the media pay. They called the press “racists” and claimed they were the reason they left the UK. Anyone with a brain will know this isn’t the case, and they were pulling a “let them eat cake” stunt.

Furthermore, when it comes to Harry and Meghan, they don’t enjoy being told what to do. Ultimately, this is the same problem that Prince Andrew has. Similar to his nephew, Randy Andy is the spare heir to the throne, and he’s gotten himself into trouble. Furthermore, he too has thrown tantrums when his demands haven’t been met.

Like uncle, like nephew, if you want to look at it objectively. Could this have been why Andrew did that trainwreck interview where he proclaimed, “I don’t sweat”? or whatever it was.

For Harry, he’s jealous that his brother’s projects are getting more attention. He has lived as a royal his whole life. Moreover, he would’ve known that William’s ideas took precedence.

When you’re born into a pecking order, you can’t shove ahead of the queue and expect attention. Furthermore, it doesn’t work that way, unfortunately. However, the difference between the two Dukes is that Andrew didn’t shirk his responsibilities to his mother. He was TOLD to step down to prevent further fallout.

Harry, meanwhile, threw a dummy spit and complained – on behalf of his wife – in an attempt to get attention.

Popularity Doesn’t Get You To The Front Of The Queue, Exposing The Dark Side

Harry and Meghan assumed that they would get what they wanted because of their rising popularity. However, what they didn’t want to be exposed is how they overestimated things. For example, putting themselves in the limelight by proclaiming they’re victims. Ultimately, the victim narrative is what the public on all sides of the world was growing exhausted of. Many started seeing the light during the South African tour. Others saw through their lies during the Oprah interview.

Their popularity in the UK dropped so much that if either of them were to return, they’d get pelted with tomatoes. Also, this is not us inciting violence. It’s a fact that people in the United Kingdom aren’t happy with the Sussexes due to their backstabbing.

Moving over to Meghan’s thoughts and we’ve seen enough photos of her at events with Catherine to know she doesn’t like her. In Markle’s mind, she’s better and should take the lead. Moreover, this is why she told Oprah that her sister-in-law made her cry before the wedding. She wanted the world to see that Kate was the horrid in-law.

After this attack, William accompanied his wife on an engagement to protect her. However, the odd thing about what Meghan said was that she “forgave” Catherine for “making her cry” and she was a good person. Markle was backpedalling on what she said about that situation.

The Attempted Cancellation Of Outspoken Critics

One of the scariest parts of reporting on any royal within the British Monarchy is having to watch fan people tear into people who don’t believe the same as them. Ultimately, that is what prompted this post. We’ve seen people get cancelled due to their outspoken opinions. Everyone is entitled to have their say. However, if it borders on bullying, harassment or shaming of any kind, that’s where a line has to be drawn.

Furthermore, one of these individuals who is silencing people is Christopher Bouzy, an African-American man who is a Meghan fanboy. We did a post about this yesterday about his bot software. Also, let’s not forget Markle’s biggest fan, Omid Scobie, who wrote a book on her.

We know what it is like to be trolled by these total nutjobs. While the hit jobs on us haven’t been as severe as others, it hurts to get comments that say everything from “Get a real job” to “You’re a racist” to “Check your facts, and you’re a bad writer.” FYI, we know we’re a horrible writer. We’ve never said we’re the GOAT.

Moreover, the hits the YouTube community has taken is just unfathomable. Murky Meg got an IP ban from Twitter. If that hasn’t been bad enough, she’s been doxxed, and her family has been targeted. Anyone who thinks finding and exploiting private information to get some to go silent is okay, it’s not.

Also, Meghan said that social media users were like those who use drugs. But she was the one who ran the Sussex Royal Instagram account. We don’t need to produce proof because when you look at some of the posts, they have Americanisms.

Toxic People Threaten Young Children

To conclude this post, we wanted to address something that exposes the dark side of royal journalism. Toxicity is a massive problem in every branch of life. However, what should NEVER be done is threatening the lives of young children. It makes us feel violently sick just having to think about it. Journalists will rarely report on this for every royal that is attacked. If it impacts an heir, then it’s bought up, but otherwise, it goes unspoken.

For example, when England lost a football grand final, toxic trolls jumped online to abuse Prince George because he was wearing a suit. This triggered a response where William and Catherine were going to keep him away from the spotlight. He’s an heir to the throne and he was saddened that his team didn’t win. Also, what’s wrong with wearing a formal suit to a football game when you’re sitting in a VIP box? Absolutely nothing of the sort. There were men in that same box who were wearing suits. If there were ever a dark side to this tale, it would be the trolls not looking into the facts.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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