For a boy who owned a toad named Trevor and showed limited magical abilities in his youth, Neville Longbottom is a truer Gryffindor than his famous classmates, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. Born to Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom on July 30, the day before Harry Potter entered the world on July 31, …
What Is Dumbledore’s Role In Harry Potter?
Albus Dumbledore has always had a unique role within the Wizarding World. Hopefully, when the television series drops (if it does), we’ll get a more detailed look at his life and everything to do with him; moreover, that brings us to his role in the life of Harry Potter and his adventures across seven books. …
Who Are Fred And George Weasley In Harry Potter?
Cheeky and lovers of a good prank, Fred and George Weasley were the identical twin brothers of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron and Ginny and the fourth and fifth sons of their parents, Arthur and Molly Weasley. They became good friends with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, the best friends of Ron. While identical, they were …
Is Harry Potter A Muggle?
Say what you will about J.K. Rowling. This is not the post to discuss her feelings and opinions. Instead, we wanted to address a straightforward question; is Harry Potter a Muggle? This might appear to be a stupid question, but some readers are generally curious about the answer. We know, of course, that Harry Potter …
Who Are The Biggest, Most Important Harry Potter Characters?
Everyone has their favourite Harry Potter characters. From the golden trio to the villains, there is always an air of “who is the biggest, most important” of them all? Well, that’s what we’ll explore here. Without many of these Harry Potter characters, the storylines would not have played out as they should have. The Golden …
Who Are Some Of The Most Well-Known Ravenclaw Characters In Harry Potter?
One of the most underrated Hogwarts houses is Ravenclaw. Hogwarts founder Rowena Ravenclaw founded the house and has been prized for its wisdom and love of learning. Harry Potter has known several Ravenclaw characters across his adventures. What’s more, several of his closest friends have been Ravenclaw students. For example, his female best friend Hermione …
Who Is James Sirius Potter In Harry Potter?
Who is James Sirius Potter?