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star wars padawans
Star Wars

Padawans In Star Wars

Before Jedi Knights can become Jedi Masters, they have to start out from the bottom. In Star Wars, they begin as Jedi Younglings before moving to Padawans if Jedi Knights or Masters choose them. In this post, let’s explore some Padawans who have appeared onscreen in Star Wars projects. This will not include younglings who …

Jedi Lineages, Star Wars
Star Wars

Star Wars Jedi Lineages

Star Wars is well-known for its Jedi Lineages. Though, it is often hard to decipher which Jedi Lineage is what. That is why we’re here. We have a simple way of breaking them down without getting too confusing. Each of the Jedi Lineages begins with Grand Master Yoda, as the Jedi on these lists are …

Ventress, Star Wars
Star Wars

Who Is Asajj Ventress In Star Wars?

Ahsoka Tano once called Asajj Ventress “Dooku’s hairless harpy” due to her lack of hair. Though what is fascinating about her is her back story. Before we go into the canon version of Ventress, we do want to mention a Star Wars behind-the-scenes tidbit and a bit on her legends story. Originally, Ventress’ design was …

Jedi, Star Wars
Star Wars

Famous Jedi Characters In Star Wars

Star Wars is well-known for its Jedi characters. However, the concept of the Jedi was introduced in A New Hope before they were seen in full force (no pun intended) during The Phantom Menace, the first film to explore the background of Luke and Leia’s father, Anakin, before he became Darth Vader. So, in this …