
Supergirl: Alex Struggles With Her Father’s Death

They say grief can make you do crazy things but for Alex, losing her father Jeremiah is something she never thought she would have to face again…

He mightn’t have been part of Supergirl since Season 2, but Jeremiah Danvers had a great impact on the lives of his daughters. However, his loss is something Alex and Kara never thought they would have to face again. However, it’s his biological child who struggles with his death the most.

This week’s episode of Supergirl entitled ‘Alex in Wonderland’ deals with the aftermath of Jeremiah’s death. Meanwhile, Kelly and William investigate Lex and the glitch in the Obsidian lenses that was reported but never fixed.

Jeremiah: The Absent Father

It’s no secret that for most of Alex (Chyler Leigh) and Kara (Melissa Benoist)’s teenage years, Jeremiah (Dean Cain) was noticeable absent. In order to keep his adoptive daughter safe, he agreed to join Cadmus so they wouldn’t take her away. This devastated his wife, Eliza (Helen Slater) and the girls. However, this week deals with the fallout of the Danvers patriarch’s death and how the family must move on without him.

Kara tries to rally her sister to go to Midvale to say their final goodbyes to their father. However, Alex puts up a fight and refuses to go as Jeremiah had been absent for most of their lives, saying there was no point. Her girlfriend, Kelly (Azie Tesfai) tries to convince her to go but the couple end up in an argument.

To deal with her grief, Alex uses the Obsidian VR lenses, but she ends up sucked into the program. Before she realises it, she begins losing sense of reality. Kelly sends a young Alex into the program so the former director of the DEO can escape. By doing this, it allows her to deal with losing Jeremiah and that taking her feeling out on her family wasn’t right.

Kelly And William Look Into Lex And The Obsidian Glitch

While Alex deals with Jeremiah’s death, Kelly helps Kara’s boyfriend William (Staz Nair) investigate Lex and his link to Obsidian. Instead, they end up discovering the glitch in the lenses hasn’t been fixed. After a few calls to Andrea (Julie Gonzalo), the issue is repaired and Alex is pulled out but it only heightens Will’s theory about the supervillain.

Arriving In Midvale And Saying Goodbye To Jeremiah

Alex realises she needs to grieve for her father and agrees to go to Midvale with Kelly to say her final goodbyes. She allows herself to let go of how he appeared to play favourites when he really didn’t. If anything, it put her at ease to know that he was finally at rest.

J’onn and a few of Alex and Kara’s friends were there to pay their respects. Eliza says in her eulogy that her husband loved his daughters. She also says it warmed his heart to see the women they’d become.

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About Author

C.J. Hawkings has written for the now-defunct Entertainment website, Movie Pilot and the still functioning WhatCulture and ScreenRant. She prides herself as a truth seeker and will do (almost) anything for coffee or Coke No Sugar. Oh! And food!

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