Showing 83 Result(s)
Bookstagram recommendations
Book Haven

Bookstagram Recommendations

Bookstagram is a great place to find book recommendations if you’re struggling to find something new to read. There is a tag on Instagram where you can find a ton of bookstagram posts from Bookstagrammers and content creators (like us!). Since there are so many Bookstagram recommendations, we’re going to list a handful from as …

Book Haven

Reading Terms You Need To Know

Reading is often an educational process, no matter how seasoned the reader is. What a lot of people don’t realise going into reading is that there are a lot of reading terms out there that are often head-scratchers. In this Book Haven post, we’ll be explaining what many of these reading terms are and what …

Book Haven

Hera – BOOK Review

There is a new side of the Greek goddess of marriage, Hera, that we never expected to see, and it comes in Jennifer Saint’s new book. We were lucky enough to get an Advanced Reading Copy of her newest book, Hera, via Netgalley before its May 28 2024 release. This is our first Jennifer Saint …

pile of assorted novel books
Book Haven

Book Question Time!

There is nothing better than Book Question time. In this post, we thought we’d have a little bit of fun and use Google Search Console and Ezoic, to find book questions. The questions will be random subjects, depending on what we can find. Also, this post will accommodate for questions that we cannot fit into …

Emma Roberts Book Recommendations
Book Haven

Book Recommendations By Emma Roberts

When you think of actress Emma Roberts, your mind doesn’t immediately go to book recommendations. She and her best friend started Belletrist, a book club, which has since evolved into a production company which has adapted two books to the screen. See our celebrity book club for more on that. In this post, we will …

Book Haven

Books About Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn is one of the most talked about Queen consorts in British history and has appeared in many books. So much so is Anne Boleyn spoken about in books that she has appeared, in even historical fiction. There are so many books out there that we thought we’d give you an extensive list of …

books Catherine Middleton
Book Haven

Books About Catherine Middleton

Yes, we know. Catherine Middleton no longer exists; it is Catherine, the Princess of Wales. For the sake of this book list post, it is Catherine Middleton. Sorry to burst your bubble. It is solely for SEO purposes and nothing more. We’ve wanted to do this post for a while. But there have not been …