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The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold And The Beautiful: Zoe Is A Changed Person And Destined To Be A Fashion Designer?

From baby secret keeper to jilted bride. Those are only a few things that have happened to Zoe Buckingham since her arrival in Los Angeles. Now, she’s been redeemed and she’s ready to take on a slight career change: could she be destined to become a designer?


Stargirl THEORY: Could The OG Wildcat Ted Grant Be Yolanda’s Godfather?

Yolanda Montez’s character arc has shown a character can go from be a popular girl to being viewed as nothing more than a slut in the eyes of their peers to becoming a hero with the confidence to take on that world. That is what we’ve seen from Yolanda Montez. However, was the reason she became Wildcat because she has a tie to the OG Wildcat, Ted Grant? Could he be her godfather?

Hitched; repeat
The Bold And The Beautiful

Bold And The Beautiful: *Groans* Ridge And Shauna Get Hitched… While He’s Still Legally Married To Brooke

Ridge knows a thing or two about getting hitched. He’s been married enough times to know how it all works. Well, it looks like he’s gone and screwed up… big time and to top it off, he doesn’t remember how it happened!

superhero lifestyle; mama

Stargirl: Will Barbara And Mike Accept Pat And Courtney’s Superhero Lifestyle?

Tensions are going to be flying high in the ‘Brainwave Jr’ episode next week as Barbara will confront her husband and daughter about their superhero lifestyle. How will this impact the story going forward and will she and Mike accept the newly minted Stargirl and STRIPE?


Don’t Confuse The Actor For The Character They Play. Sam Frost Sets The Record Straight

Being an actor means having to face criticisms that you don’t necessarily want to hear. However, fans often confuse the star with the character they play and that’s the reality that reality star-turned-actor Sam Frost has had to face.