President Putin might think he’s a genius, but does he realise the effects Nuclear Weapons will have?

President Putin might think he’s a genius, but does he realise the effects Nuclear Weapons will have?
Russia is the cause of the war with Ukraine.
9/11. A day meant for mourning 2,996 lives lost to terrorism. The Sussexes have used the occasion for a PR Op.
In Victoria, the current COVID-19 Outbreak is the end of the world.
Rudy Giuliani, the former Mayor New York and President Donald Trump’s lawyer has tested positive to coronavirus…
Okay, we did NOT see President Trump and First Lady Melania getting coronavirus!
Panic buying is on the rise once upon after a spike in Coronavirus cases in Victoria…
Here at Project Fangirl, we stand for all people no matter who they are.
The medical staff we hear so much about are being treated like second class citizens because the public fears they will spread COVID-19 to them.
The world is struggling to combat the COVID-19 pandemic as it is and Donald Trump is making things worse! He’s coming out saying that anti-malaria drugs will cure the coronavirus. This is an unproven fact and goes to show that he has zero regard for the people he is meant to be protecting.
As the Coronavirus continues to spread across the world, the whole planet has gone on lockdown in an attempt to slow and hopefully, stop the spread. However, there might have been some predictions that the pandemic was going to happen…
With every day that passes, the world becomes more uncertain as COVID-19 drives a wedge into the heart of society. The situation has caused many scared people to steal vital supplies from hospitals…
People really can be idiots. In this desperate world where the Coronavirus is spreading like wildfire, people are turning to social media for a ‘cure’ to the virus
Prince Charles, heir to the British Throne has tested positive to COVID-19.
The Coronavirus outbreak is sending Australia’s into a storm of hysteria as supermarkets and some chemists are being forced to ration their products.
#ToiletPaperGate is a real pain in the ass.