Showing 62 Result(s)
Chronicles of Harkle

The Whole World Must Be Racist If They Don’t Believe Meghan Markle… How Is That A Thing All Of A Sudden?

When you’re one of the most talked about women in the world, you gain a reputation and usually not in a good way. Meghan Markle has the standpoint of accusing those who don’t believe her of being racist if they don’t believe her claims…

Princess Anne
Babes Against Bullshit

Babes Against Bullshit: Racist Fans Who Don’t Understand The Idea Of Diversity – Why This Needs To be Addressed

Racist fans are quite literally the WORST! They don’t understand why a writer would change a well-known character from being white to black or why a person of colour has a role amongst a largely Caucasian cast of individuals. Diversity is key to the success many fandoms have. So, why are racists so determined to …

Mulroney; abuse of friendship; revenge

Meghan Markle’s Best Friend, Jessica Mulroney Called Out For White Privilege

Jessica Mulroney should have known better than to flaunt her white privilege around. After all, she is the best friend of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. The stylist has been accused by Sasha Exeter, a mother and lifestyle blogger who happens to be black of white privilege.
