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The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold And The Beautiful: So, It’s Okay For Ridge To Kiss Shauna But Not Okay For Brooke To Smooch Bill?

Okay, this whole Shauna/Ridge/Brooke triangle is worse than the one with Taylor! How is it okay for Eric’s favourite son to snog Flo’s mother but not okay for his wife to get swept up in a kiss with his rival, Bill?


Coronavirus: US President Donald Trump Is A Colossal Idiot – He’s Been Telling Americans To Take An Anti-Malaria Drug That Is Unproven To Combat COVID-19

The world is struggling to combat the COVID-19 pandemic as it is and Donald Trump is making things worse! He’s coming out saying that anti-malaria drugs will cure the coronavirus. This is an unproven fact and goes to show that he has zero regard for the people he is meant to be protecting.